There is Light in the Dark

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If you're reading this,
I just want you to know
it's okay to feel this way
but you shouldn't stay there
because it will get better.

No matter what everyone else has told you
or what you've told yourself,
you can get through all of this.

You are strong enough.

I know it's going to hurt
and I know it's going to be hard
but you can get through this.
You will get through this.

There will be days where you think you can't go on,
where you think it's all pointless
and nothing is improving.

Just remember that change doesn't always happen overnight,
and taking a step backward
doesn't always mean you're back at the beginning.

Just keep moving.

Take it one breath at a time,
one moment at a time,
one day at a time.

Author's Note
"Change happens when the pain of holding on become greater than the pain of letting go." - Spencer Jackson

I'm excited (and to tell the truth, a little sad) to announce that this is the final chapter of The Light in the Dark!
I am planning to write more and publish new stories, but they might look a little different. For the past few months I've been working on two full-length stories that I'm going to release sometime this fall.
Until then, I will most likely start a new poetry book - but who knows! I'm looking forward to this next chapter in my life, especially since I'll be starting college!
Thank you all SO MUCH for all the support you've given me throughout this book. I'm so glad to be able to continue sharing my writing with you guys!

The Light in the Dark (Completed)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ