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She lays in her bed for hours on end because she's just so exhausted
but she can't fall asleep.
She knows she should get up
and talk to people
and shower
and go places
and do things
but nothing seems worth it anymore
and it doesn't bring her any good.

No one asks if she's okay,
but that's alright
because she knows she would just lie and say she's fine
when she knows she's not
and she knows she needs help,
but she doesn't want to admit she's not strong enough
even when she can barely pull herself out of bed in the mornings.

When she's with her friends
she can tell they don't really want to be around her
and they'd rather talk to people other than her,
and she desperately wants someone to talk to,
but at the same time
it's comforting
being alone.

Her parents are angry with her for not trying,
and she wants them to see
that she is,
she just doesn't want to exist anymore
so how do they expect her to study
and talk to people normally
and do her homework
and not shut herself off from everyone?

She's sorry for disappointing everyone she meets,
she's sorry she'll never be good enough, she's sorry for being sorry,
she's sorry she just isolates herself and doesn't even care anymore,
she's so sorry for being in the way of everyone's lives,
and she's sorry she's even alive.

And she
is me.

Author's Note
This one's not in first person (for once). I kind of like it. What do you guys think?
Also, this one doesn't have a picture/quote because I couldn't find one that wasn't in first person (oops).

The Light in the Dark (Completed)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora