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"How are you?"


"Are you doing better?"

"Yeah, I am."
('I want to die but it's not like you would care anyways.')

"That's good."

('No, it's not, because I'm not doing better and I'm not fine; I'm not even close to fine, but you wouldn't understand and you wouldn't care and you'd just feel sorry for me. So I keep it all to myself because I've already hurt myself so many times, and I know if I tell people what's going on inside my head it'll just hurt them, too.')

"All right. Well, I'm glad you're having a good day. Bye."

('No, wait, please don't leave me.
I need you.')

. . .

Author's Note
Things I say versus things I want to say but never do. I don't say a lot, and it's partially because I feel like I talk too much about my problems. I feel bad writing stuff like this because I'm worried people think I'm not even trying to get better and I'm just letting myself wallow in self pity. I am trying to get better, though, and I do have good days. I just tend to only write when I'm having bad days, for some reason.
Are my poems too repetitive? I feel like they are.

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