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"Sometimes I just want to cut myself off from everyone."

"Why is that?"

"I don't know. It's not like anyone cares about me. They all have other people they'd rather spend their time with and they barely even acknowledge me unless I'm talking directly to them. Maybe I should stop texting them. Stop talking to them and stop acknowledging they exist at all because it's not like they care whether or not I'm there."

"What makes you think that?"

"I'm almost always the first person to text. The first to call, to invite them over. Did you know none of my friends have ever invited me to spend the night at their house? At least, none of my current friends. I had one friend back in 3rd grade whose house I went to a few times. I don't talk to them anymore. I'm pretty sure they got fed up with me because I worried too much.
I'm always the first to make plans, the person who everyone comes to. But does anyone ever ask how I'm doing? Does anyone ever ask how I'm feeling? No, and honestly they probably don't even care enough."

Author's Note
This came about because I was thinking about if/when I get a counselor or therapist - basically what I'd talk to them about. I don't know, I've thought about it for so long that I'm even making up conversations in my head, is that weird?
I don't know, I just know I need someone to at least process everything with, because if I don't... I don't know what I'll do.

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