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It's like feeling everything, but also nothing at all.

It's procrastinating to the last second because you don't have the motivation to do it, but also stressing about the fact that you're procrastinating and knowing you can do so much better.

It's knowing you need to take a shower and brush your teeth and wear clean clothes but just not feeling the desire or motivation to do
anything so instead you just lay in bed staring at the ceiling worrying about every single thing that could possibly go wrong.

It's feeling so disappointed in yourself for every single thing you do and say.

It's being irritable at the smallest things and crying when things don't go the way you wanted or expected them to.

It's feeling your stomach drop when someone asks "are you okay?" because you're never sure how to respond anymore and you want to tell them how awful you feel, but also knowing they wouldn't care and feeling like you'd say something wrong and embarrass yourself.

It's your body feeling so slow you can barely move, while your mind is moving so fast you can't process it all at once.

It's feeling so tired that you can't even be bothered to raise your voice when someone says they can't hear you.

It's not quite like drowning,
but it might as well be.

Author's Note
Yay anxiety!!!! Always a fun time...

Anyone that tells you high school is the "best years of your life" is a flat-out liar, don't listen to them
High school is absolute garbage and I don't want to deal with people anymore :)):)

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