You Don't

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You don't even care

You say you care about me
but barely pay attention
when I tell you I'm struggling with something
and you say I have no reason to feel this way and act annoyed
because I've
"said it all before"

You don't even care enough to try to help

Just because I've said the same thing multiple times
doesn't mean my feelings are any less valid or real,
and the reason I'm telling you so many times
is because it's something I'm genuinely struggling with on a daily basis
but you don't seem to get that.
You think I'm just "going in circles"
and "not even trying to fix it"
and "just complaining all the time"

And don't you dare
tell me
that I'm not trying

Because how would you know

How would you know whether or not I'm trying

How would you know exactly how any situation would affect me, and how do you know how I would deal with that situation?

You don't,
so don't you dare
tell me I'm "not trying hard enough"

You don't know me

Author's Note
Feeling... frustrated. And angry. And guilty. All at once, and it's annoying.

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