Things I Enjoy

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Starry summer nights at my grandma's house.
The golden light of the sunrise and sunset.
The reds, oranges, and yellows of the changing leaves in autumn.
Hot chocolate on a cold winter day.
Staring into a bright, crackling fire on those dark winter nights.
The colorful tulips starting to grow through the warming earth in spring.
Doing well on a test that I had worried about for a long time.
Rewatching movies that I hadn't seen in a long time and feeling all of those emotions all over again.
Spending the weekend with my friends being crazy, playing board games, eating a ton of food, and talking late into the night.
Going to the beach and spending hours in the water, collecting colorful ridged seashells and smooth, warm rocks, jumping over waves and sinking to the sandy bottom.
Waking up on Christmas morning hoping that what I wanted is hidden underneath the wrapping paper.
Dreaming about what my future will hold and who or what awaits me there.
Watching the cold rain travel down a window and hearing its patter as I lay in bed at night.
Going to a strange new town that I find beautiful and exploring as much of it as I can.
Listening to the same songs repeatedly because of how powerfully they affect my emotions.
Falling in love again with the same person each day.
The goofy little smile that creeps onto my face when I'm watching him.
Those days where I feel like everything's amazing and I can do anything.
The days where I'm bubbling over with happiness and I won't stop talking.

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