Chapter 3

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Levi woke up late, he grabbed a black T-shirt, black skinny jeans and he put in his earrings. He pulled his hat on and then slipped on his converse. He made himself a shake before the young teenager bustled to his bodyguards room. The blond was sitting at his Island eating eggs and pancakes while scrolling through her phone, sighing Levi deposited himself on the other stool. "Do you have any extra? I didn't have time to even eat at my flat, otherwise I was going to be late," Levi hummed frowning.

"I can whip you up some toast, I'm sorry Shō, if you would've sent me a text saying you needed breakfast I would've made extra," The older teen sighed, he was 18 while Levi was still 16.

He was the youngest member of the group, "Nah, it's fine, Sega," Levi said, Erwin ignored him and made him an egg sandwich.

"Here eat it, I'll text you uncle to know you'll be a little late. I'll take full responsibility for you being late," The older teen was dressed in the uniform his love interest had made for him.

"Thank you Sega," The raven boy ate the sandwich with happy sounds. Erwin sent a text to Akkhito and he told the blond that it's okay. Erwin stared over at the other human. The blond had an undendibale attraction towards the cute sassy pants. But he doesn't think he could ever act on it. He'd be to embarrassing for the younger that the raven would never pay attention to him again. "Watashi wa watashinokao ni nanika o motte imasu ka, Sega?" (Do I have something on my face, Sega?)

"Īe," (No), Erwin spoke in fluent Japanese. He learned the raven spewed Japanese when he was nervous or just in the heat of the moment.

"Oh," He realised that he did. He spoke in Japanese, His pale cheeks flush pink and he quickly finished his plate. Levi walked over and put the white plate in the sink and then grabbed his bag. The two of them walked back to Erwin's car. Erwin opened the door, Levi slid into the chair and he hooked his phone up to the Bluetooth speaker the blond had in his car. "Sorry I spoke Japanese, I realised you don't know a lot of Japanese," Levi sighed.

Erwin placed a guiding hand on his shoulder. "Its fine, I know a bit of Japanese. I knew what you were saying, I studied Japanese for awhile before I met you," He laughed, he started the car and they took off the way towards the dance studio where they rehearsed for their big shows or they just practised. Sometimes the dances can be difficult, Erwin has seen one of the boys' get casted into the air. He seemed okay with it, but I mean it still seems a bit dangerous then people may think.

"Oh, I didn't know that," Levi blushed, he occupied himself with his phone. He never was one for small talk or really socialising. It was difficult for him especially when there are a lot of people he doesn't know. But strange enough he is completely fine with it on stage, flirting with the fans and the fan signs. Well those are a whole different discussion.

Levi managed to tire himself out, he was tired and he wanted nothing more then to go home and curl up on his warm bed. Petting his cute pug, and listening to his favorite music. Which consists of a lot of Linkin Park and many others. He had a whole playlist. "I think we're done for today guys, go home and get some rest," Akkhiko said observing the way the boys' were slacking off. "You especially Nephew, " Levi nodded, he grabbed his bag and walked out to the car with Erwin. He opened the door for him and he promptly closed it. He fell asleep on the way home. Erwin found it endearing that he let his guard down. He brought him inside his house to his room and set him on the bed. While he napped Erwin managed to clean the house up.

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