Chapter 13

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Erwin stared at his lover, he was talking to another member of another group in Korean

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Erwin stared at his lover, he was talking to another member of another group in Korean. He had a smile on his face, the teenager he was dating now had pink hair. He wore mini silver earrings, his eyes flickered over at the older once in awhile. He liked when his lil darling babe socialized. Especially at events like these, it was important that the golden Maknae. It wasn't often that the youngest member had time to go out with his friends. It was a rare occasion, considering the Maknae can rap, sing, choreograph and he is completely fluent in 4 different langauges. And on top of that he maintains the most evilest out of the group. Not to surprising though. "Hey, Hyung come over here," Levi waved him over. He put on his shoes then walkes over to the two shorter teens. "Meet Taemin, he and I knew each other since grade school. He dated my brother," The Maknae introduced the two men.

The older looked at the two Maknaes, he wondered which was older. Judging by Taemin's facial lines he was older. He was the Maknae of his group, and from what he heard, his group has been around since the early 2000s. Levi was younger than him by two years, "Nice to meet you," The orange haired man said, he shook the older's hand and smiled.

"Yeah, you too," The freckled man said with a smile. He looked back at his group, they were motioning for him to come back. He looked at the younger males. He hugged the smaller than he ran off. Erwin wrapped an arm around the shorter.

Levi looked over at him with an expectant look. He sighed, "I'm hungry," The younger looked over at the long line by the vending machine. "I have my credit card in my duffle bag, can you go grab it?" It was best not to have a hungry Maknae. He gets grouchy when he's hungry. The blond nodded his head, he pressed a kiss to the pink haired 18 year olds head before he walked off. He grabbed the duffle bag, he crouched down and ruffled through the bag. He found a small pocket with the male's weeabo wallet.

"Here you go," The Alpha said with a smirk, just as Levi moved up in line, he swiftly pressed his lips to his boyfriend's plumper ones. It didn't last long after Erwin was pulled away from the young idol. He looked over his head to see the 22 year old who was dating the eldest. "Dude! Can't you see I was trying to kiss my hot-ass shorty!" The younger whined, he was pulled away from the youngest member who typed in his chocolate candy bar number.

"Well you don't need to smack lips with him all the time. Anyways it is your turn to run," The orange haired man said. He recently got it colored. Along with his husbands. They have it dyed almost the same color. It was endearing for the two elders to be twining it seemed to spark up a whole new trend. It was funny when the two of them talked about how their getting old and how the younger couple is taking over. Everyone in 'Wings of Freedom' was paired off with another band member or other people.

It was something that everyone of their fans knew, except a lot of people don't know that Levi and Erwin are like soulmates. Their souls have become one the first time they've had the deed. Erwin ran over to the starting line, just in time for the baby of the group to see him. He walked over with two noddles and mung beans. He had a large soda for the blond and for himself he bought a large lemonade. As soon as the starting timer went off, Erwin ran as fast as his legs could carry him. The pink haired teenager cheering him on the whole run. He ended up placing third which was alright.

He got his medal then jogged over to his group. His boyfriend sat himself on one of the chairs next to Jong. Levi pulled his phone from his pocket and started to record his handsome lover. The two fooled around, feeding one another. Then it was Levi's turn to showcase his athletic ability. He'll be doing the bars. He quirked his lips in interest and Erwin decided to record him.

Things are going to be a bit different from now on.

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