Chapter 12

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Levi walked into his bedroom, he held onto his dog while Jae makes brunch. Mostly everyone was asleep, they had a long night last night, but Levi and Armin were the ones that fell asleep earlier since they weren't old enough to drink yet. Levi turned 18 a few months back so he has a few more years before he is able to drink. The older man was fast asleep, still probably hungover. He weighed the options. He could be a good boyfriend and get him some tyneol or he could stir the now light blond haired man's sleep. He looked outside. It was bright outside, he looked down at what he was wearing. He wore a pair of jean shorts that reached just above his knees, a white short sleeve T-shirt, a light pink button up undone, a pair of white hightops. His hair was brushed and he had silver mini hoop earrings in his ears. "Sega wake up, we've got lots to do today." Levi said, he adjusted the dog in his arms. Within two months they'll be at the BMA'S which is huge.

It was in America, it was a huge deal. Their manager Hange had boosted about it to her other colleagues about her special her boys' are. Especially their little Maknae. Their literal family was excited to see their sons' or relatives perform on the biggest stage in America. The group has gone to LA, California before, but that was some years ago. Levi had been just 14. And Erwin wasn't apart of them quite yet. But the trip was quite fun, Levi being with his Hyungs. That was his favorite--

"Sho?" Erwin asked blearily, pulling the short Maknae from his thoughts again. Someone always seemed to interrupt his thought process.

"Hmm?" The black haired teenager asked, he was 18 now. They've been together for 3 years now. They were probably the most known and shipped couple the fans enjoy. Besides the good ol' married couple they aren't married yet, but yet they stood up at another couples wedding. They were performing.

"Can you get Eomma (Mama) for me? I don't want to get you ill, if I did Appa (Papa) would kill me," Levi looked at the older. He gave him a pointed look before he and Artemis left to go get Hena. He walked to the older's shared bedroom with his lover. He knocked on the door, Artemis barked loudly and Levi glared at her to shut up. The two olders were inside the dorm, both probably not wanting to face their children quite yet.

"Eomma and Appa? Erwin-Hyung isn't feeling well and he refuses to let me help him. He was asking for Eomma," The Maknae said, he stared at the door until Namjoon opened the door. He was still dressed in his pajamas and he wore his robe. He ruffled the youngest member's black inky locks before he wrapped an arm around him.

The eldest of the group was on their recliner that they had in their room. He wore his robe along with pajama pants and what was unusual he wore his glasses. "What's wrong sweetie?" The eldest asked, he motioned for the younger to come in closer.

"Erwin-Hyung is sick, he doesn't want me to help him because he doesn't want to get me sick," Levi sighed, he looked at his two elders. The other group members sighed, the one that is the motherly figure walked into the raven's and blond's shared room. He saw the younger man on the bed, his hand slung over his eyes and his face was flushed.

"Oh dear," Hena sighed, he went into the bathroom. He started a hot bath for the ill member then he helped him into the bath. He made sure the sick male would he okay while Hena went to break the news to his youngest. He walked to his room to see his lover of six years now dressed and seeing his baby boy playing on the game system. He rubbed his forehead, his lover walked up to him and he took his hand. "He is ill, he has a fever and from the looks of it, he's weakened and his state." The two talked quietly, not wanting unwanted ears hearing.

"Oh, Eomma is Erwin-Hyungie alright?" He turned away from the game system, having just finished a level. He turned to look at the two older members. The Eomma sighed, he walked over to the raven haired boy. He rested his hand on his shoulder.

"He's sick." The rest of the day was the two parent figures taking care of their 'children'.

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