Chapter 22

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A tall blond man walked into his bedroom, his younger lover sprawled out on the bed with his red hair mused and thrown everywhere. He smiled at the sight, the cutie clad in a hoodie that reached past his thighs. He set the tray of breakfast down on the vacant nightstand. He sat down on the bed, he rubbed his forehead and he thumbed his cheek. They aren't squishy anymore. They were thin and had a permanent blush on his cheeks making Erwin think he is so adorable. Not to mention his thin lips are addicting! It wasn't a wonder to everyone why the two always make out with one another. They were no strangers to public affection at all. They were both very affectionate of each other. "C'mon sunshine," The blond said, he probbed at the pink haired 21 year old.

The attempt was useless, Levi just curled more into his plush blanket. The pink haided sure loves to sleep in, or sleep in general. He takes it whenever he can since he is so busy all the time. "Wake up sunshine or I'll take away your Bluetooth for a whole week," The blond threatened, the Omega slowly wakes up. He sat up, Erwin pulled him into his arms. Erwin pressed his lips to his boyfriend's forehead.

"I'm awake," Levi rubbed his eyes, he snuggled into his arms and he put his head on the blond's chest. They recently got neighbors and they were pretty much to themselves. Which was nice, until they came over and brought over pie. Then insisted that they stayed. Levi was very tired to, when he was really tired he gets cranky and when he is cranky Erwin will be a leach attached to the cute dyed red head. There was the sound of a lawn mower outside and Erwin left his mate and looked out the window. "Who is mowing the lawn at this fucking hour?" Levi slipped off Erwin's hoodie and he went into the bathroom. He got a towel for himself then clothes and then he got into the bath.

"Our new neighbor. She seemed that she needed to wake the two most famous people in Seoul up," Erwin said to the younger man. Levi came out of the bathroom dressed and ready for the day. He wore a white button up with black accents, tucked into a pair of black ripped skiny jeans and a pair of black pair of socks on his feet. He had a pair of earrings in. "This doesn't deter us, we can still go to the Mall though don't worry. I plan on keeping my promise to you Shō," The older pressed a kiss to the pink haired idol's head.

The two walked out of their newly cleaned room, Levi walked behind Erwin, the blond held the tray of their food and he set it on the table. Levi sat down and he immediately took the largest pancake. He gobbled his food down quickly, his Alpha doing the same. The two finished eating and Levi did the dishes before he slipped on his shoes. Erwin grabbed the hoodie and slipped it onto his smaller lover. Levi pulled the hood on and looped his hand with Erwin's arm. "What do you want to do first?" Levi asked the older.

The idol buckled himself into the passenger seat and immediately turned on the Bluetooth. "Well I was thinking going to the Nike Gangam, I need new shoes," The blond said. He started the car and the two started for the large mall. "What do you want to do?"

"I want to get new clothes for the concert next week. Then probably go to the album store. I need to buy my Eomma a present still," The pink haired idol said. Erwin nodded, the rest of the ride was mainly silent. They arrived and Erwin stayed true to his word going into the store. Dragging his unwilling mate with him, he went over to the shoe section of the store. The helper that was working there was a Beta woman who seemed to preppy for her own good. She kept eyeing Erwin's muscles. So Levi being the jealous type clung onto his shoulder. Or by his side.

The woman came over to them, "Can I help you sir?" She completely ignored Levi and focused on the man that was looking for a pair of shoes. He held his hands up, he shook his head. "Are you looking for anything in particular?"

"Well actually a pair of shoes that I can wear while I work out without them coming off of my feet. My current shoes always come off," He said, Levi gave off a sour scent. He pulled his phone out from his hoodie pocket and he pretended to be intrested in his phone. He could hear his mate talking with the woman. "Lee-Chan c'mere," The blue eyed idol said. Levi looked up and saw the man picking up on his actions. He didn't waste any time and he pressed his face into Erwin's chest. The blond whispering to him that he is the only one he loves. Pressing a single kiss to Levi's head before the Omega pulled away and excused the woman.

"I didn't like that she was flirting with my man," The pink haired man's cheeks flushed pink at his own comment.

Erwin chuckled, "I guess I do get hit on a lot don't I?" He slipped off the shoes he was trying on and he nuzzled Levi's mating mark on his neck. He smelt his own scent on the Omega's mark.

Levi slapped him away with a giggle, "You have no idea what it's like being your boyfriend. People always assume your single since I can't mark you as mine. Only Alpha's can mark their mate, it's not fair Y'know," He said, they paid for the shoes before they left the store. Erwin and Levi still talking about their experience. Then they went to the clothing store the younger wanted to go too.

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