Chapter 23

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Levi sat in his chair, the makeup artist applying concealer onto his face. He had to admit, it was a bit uncomfortable for someone else to be doing his makeup. Usually he does his own makeup, but for something this big he'll need help. His mate was picking Hena up from the hotel, so he had yet to get his own makeup on. The group was getting back together, it was slow, but it was happening. Hena not being able to perform due to his pregnancy so their going to be a member short, but none have a desire to fill in the missing void. The door opened to the prep room, he wanted to look up, but he wasn't able to his manager holding his neck still that way his makeup artist doesn't mess up on his makeup. "Levi-Ah," That voice could only belong to Namjoon. Levi was surprised that the man actually showed up on time. There was one issue, he didn't know that Hena was going to be here. "You haven't been to our shared studio in forever," The blue haired man said. He was now 25, he was four years older then Levi.

Once they were done and he could talk he spoke up, "I know. I've been busy pursing my own life," He said bitterly. "Why haven't you contacted Hena-Hyung? He's been trying to talk to you for ages and he said you've been ignoring his calls," Levi said.

"It wasn't my fault. I've been very busy with the new diss track and working on my career. I have tried to call him back, but he hasn't answered nor has he returned my calls," Namjoon said. He sat down in his chair and he plugged his phone in.

"Maybe it's because Hyung has been busy and he hasn't had time. After all you left him to raise Kai by himself. He tried dating, but it didn't work out. He needs you by his side. For you to be his guiding hand," The blond said, his eyes closed as makeup was applied to his eyelids. "He would go back to you if you wanted him too. He still loves you, he told me, Hyung," Levi said.

"I know," Namjoon sighed, "I still don't know if I'm ready for commiting to someone quite yet. My music career is at its highest and I don't want it to come down just because I have to take care of a pregnant crabby Omega while dealing with a cranky 3 year old," The rapper said. Levi's hands tightened in his lap, he wished he could beat the shit out of that grade A Alpha dick.

"That's why I won't have kids. Me and Sega are to busy to deal with a child much less a pregnancy," The blond Omega said. He ignored the grunt he got from the other idol. The door opened and his lover walked in holding his drink from Starbucks and an energy drink. He walked over to the smaller blond, he was about to kiss him when the makeup artist slapped him away.

"No kisses until after the show. Levi-Kun has to focus on making this an amazing show. The Trainees are counting on him to make this the most memorable reunion ever," The Omega's makeup artist scolded him. The door opened again and Namjoon practically jumped out of his skin when he saw his mate. "I told you it was a bad idea," Petra, his makeup artist and also one of his friends.

Levi ignored her and focused on the scene playing out. Hena was obviously pregnant now, his jumper not even hiding it in the slightest. He had his hair pinned back so his bangs didn't fall in his face and he had his natural black hair. The jumper was a greenish blue with weird straps. He had a jacket on his shoulders and a pair of flats. "Hena-Hyung you look nice tonight," The man had done his own makeup and it looks nice. Levi was having his lipstick being applied to his lips.

"Thank you Lee-Chan," He paused, "You look quite beautiful yourself, way better then I look. I'm pregnant and bloated," His eyes took in the smaller man's appearance. Neatly trimmed dyed hair, piercing grey blue eyes, pale skin adorned with some glitter, full white outfit, a black choker with a white hook on it, a pair of white shoes and his earrings were mini silver hoop earrings.

"Don't even start that, Henaika, you always have to make everyone feel bad because your putting yourself down!" Namjoon snapped, he looked over at his mate. His child was in his belly, his other child busy with the babysitter. "You don't need to make my best friend feel like that. Yeah he is stunning, but I don't think you need to compare him to yourself!" He stood up abruptly and pulled Hena into a deep kiss. Levi and Erwin could practically smell the tension.

Namjoon's stylist attempted to pull them away before things got to heated. Namjoon wiped the lipstick from his face and he stared at his mate, "Sorry," Hena apologized, he frowned and he brushed a strand of his hair from his face. "I didn't mean to do that Namjoon-Ah," He said, Namjoon ignored the comment and wrapped him up in a hug.

"No," He said, "I'm sorry." The two made up and it was time to go on stage. Levi and Erwin walked out first, both showing their affection for one another. Then after performing sixteen songs--shortened--they played a game and had a conversation. Then it was time for Levi's solo performance. After he finished he was full of sweat and he was exhausted. Erwin quickly motioned for someone to get them water. He quickly pulled the spent Omega to his chest and helped him with the water. Everyone cheered and a male fan yelled, 'Levi-San so handsome,' it was funny because their was a definant blush on his cheeks.

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