Chapter 18

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A black haired idol walked through the sandy beach of Seoul, Hena had offered to take Levi's and Erwin's pictures for their upcoming debut. The group wasn't really together anymore, most finding their own thing in life or they settled down. Levi and Erwin could never do that. Though it was something others could dream about. Levi sat on the beach with his feet pulled to his chest, his hair blowing in the wind and his lips smeared a dark red. His ears adorned in silver diamond earrings and he wore a pair of black dress slacks with no shoes on. Erwin and Levi were both focusing on their own careers. Both wanting to keep the fame they have. "Levi-San look over at me," Hena snapped his fingers, it was still a bit chilly to be at the beach, but it was the only empty place they could find.

Levi looked over at Hena, he could hear his past bandmates singing in the background. He felt a smile spread across his lips, his pearly white teeth being seen. The hair lady sauntered over to the 21 year old and she brushed his hair. She pinned it down and she quickly fished for the hair straightner. The Omega's hair has been curled a lot lately due to the strong wind. "Love me now~," Erwin sang horridly in the background. He was dipping his own feet into the water. He wore a white button up, grey pants, no shoes and his hair was purple. Ears holding his own studded white earrings. He looked over at the Omega who was now a giggling mess, the blanket becoming ruffled from his hands moving.

"Erwin Smith stop making him laugh, if you ever want to get this done and get some food I suggest you go watch your nephew," The pregnant blond man snapped at the younger. The younger chuckled, he felt a smile spread to his lips and he batted an eye at his mate. Who was trying to be serious while eating strawberries. The pregnant blond man wore a white button up with flowers on it, jean capri's and a pair of sandals. It was spring so things were starting to warm up a bit.

"Hena-Hyung? I don't understand why you left us all. I mean I understand the douche bag of an Alpha, but what about the group?" The younger Omega looked at him with a sad look in his eyes. He could practically smell the scent of sadness from the other.

"I-I guess it was to much staying here after all those years I've spent in the music industry. It brings back to many memories for me and you know that. You're young yet, you have a whole future ahead of you. I don't. I was made for rasing pups not the music industry. Unlike you, I had no idea what I was doing with my life," He paused and he crouched down beside the younger. He pulled the younger into his arms and stroked his hair soothingly. "You're special to me and to Namjoon. Especially Namjoon. I left him because he wasn't fitting my needs, he was being unfaithful while I was showing my all. He didn't deserve to have that life with me, nothing is permanent. I just need some time away from him. You had a future set for you, I didn't. You're the golden Maknae and always will be amazing," Hena said to the younger. Levi looked up at him with big grey blue eyes.

They got back to the photoshoot, the blond pregnant taking pictures of the two. Levi was sitting on the rock by the beach, a single flower in his hand and his hair giving off the effect of the flowers. He had petals surrounding the area and the long grass blowing in the wind. Erwin had a lopsided smile on his face, he held his nephew in his arms and the boy's Eomma taking pictures of his Omega. Levi's skin practically glows in the cloudy sky with the sun shimmering down on his pale complex. "Jigeum naleul salanghae (Love me now)," He sang in his horridly deep voice. He can't sing to save his life.

"Stop trying to sound like me," The raven hissed at his annoying older mate. The man winked at the younger and he looked over at Kai. "Don't even drag Kai-Dongsang into this you grape," He muttered bitterly.

Erwin kept laughing at his lovers antics. He had a large gummy smile on his face, "Sorry sorry," The purple haired man laughed. The rest of the shoot went on before Hena treated them out for supper. They went to the local Korean grill and the blond pregnant man bought for all of them. He saw the food being set in front of them and the waiter quickly recognizing the famous raven.

"Yo-you're the best singer ever, I'm so sorry for not noticing you sooner. Jaeger Eren," The brunette boy bowed at the raven haired man who was munching on his tortilla chips that had been supplied. The sun-kissed male had a nice complexion, not Levi's type, but he has no muscle. He's a bit scrawny too, stubble on his chin and his chest doesn't puff out. Levi supposed this boy was a Alpha, but he had no mate.

"Nice to meet you brat, now can we order our food?" Levi asked annoyed, he swears he can't go anywhere without not getting recognized. The boy nodded, he was probably a couple years younger than Levi. Probably hasn't even graduated yet. He scribbled their orders onto his notepad with his pen before he put it away. Levi went with Kai to go wash his hands and Hena asked if he gets recognized everywhere he goes.

"Lee-Chan gets recognized almost anywhere we go. One of his fans even followed us to our penthouse, you should've seen my expression. I almost killed the damn chick," Erwin said, he smiled and the raven and the child came back.

Bodyguard (Different Male Levi) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora