16. Commissioner Essen

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Commissioner Essen's P.O.V (I love Essen she was like my favourite side-character. I swear in the comics Jim and her hook up? And then Joker kills her, so basically Jerome.)

Files, files and more files. Never thought being a commissioner would be too hard. But all I have to do at the moment is look through the cases of all the psychopaths that escaped Arkham.


I glance up, finally noticing two people in front of my desk.

"Gordon," I put on a smile. "Who's this?"

I look over at the girl standing next to him. She's young, really pretty, and looks terrified.

"I'm Samantha Williams. But you can just call me Sam," she answers me nervously.

"You were the girl who got shot?" I question, raising an eyebrow.

Jim is the one who replies.

"She probably saved my life, Commissioner. Jerome was trying to shoot me."

My eyes flick from Jim to the girl. "Really? Well, that was very brave of you, Sam."

"Thank you, Commissioner," she smiles.

"I think that Jerome may be targeting her, Commissioner." Gordon sighs. "It's best that she stays inside the GCPD."

I nod in reply to Jim.

A sudden light ringing sound goes off, and Jim grabs his phone from his pocket.

"I need to take this," he grumbles.

"Go. Me and Sam can talk then."

He leaves me and the girl alone.

"Commissioner, I've been wanting to ask you something..." she begins, her eyes narrowing in what could only be suspicion, or anger.


Sam's P.O.V

"Ask away," the woman called Essen leans back in her chair, which is behind her desk.

"You were pretty quick to find the bus. You and your officers."

"Yeah. I guess we were."

"I wouldn't have thought you'd make it so fast... I didn't notice many people near where we were stopped."

"Your point is?"

"Did you have someone follow me?"

She mumbles a few things under her breath, like "better than Harvey" or "should be a cop", before looking away from the files on her desk and back up at me.

"Gordon asked me. And I thought it was a good idea. Turns out, it was a great idea."

"So I'm the bait? Some food on the end of a string, while you wait for Jerome to try to grab me?" I scoff, and she gives me an apologetic look.

"It was the only reasonable idea at the time, and I-"

"You had no idea if he was going to kill me. I guess you're lucky he didn't."

"It was either we kept an eye on you, or we didn't and he got to you anyway. I don't regret the decision, because otherwise right now you'd either be dead, or trapped with a bunch of psychopaths."

I sigh, "Look, just-"


I spin around, to see an officer, who cut me off from when I was speaking.

Instantly recognising their insane smile, I back away, letting out a quiet mumble of, "Oh, shit."

I notice Essen reach for her gun, but the 'officer' grabs his from his belt before, pointing it at her.

"I heard you were looking for us," Jerome smirks.

"I heard you were looking for us," Jerome smirks

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wow I wondEr wHaT haPpEns nExt

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