55. Blood

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Third Person P.O.V

Blood. It was something Jeremiah had gotten used to seeing over the years.

Whether it came from his brother's beatings, or more recently, when he found himself killing others. Usually, Jeremiah didn't mind the sight of blood. Actually, he enjoyed it. For many reasons, he was more like his deceased brother than he liked to admit. For example, they both felt the need to spill someone else's blood, whenever they wanted to. They also both obsessed over the same girl.

But when Jeremiah saw the dark red patch on Sam's shirt, he didn't enjoy it.

He caught her before she could hit the ground, holding her bridal style.

His eyes focus on her scared face for a few seconds, before the gunshots bring him back into reality.

He instantly starts running up the stairs with her in his arms, her pained whimpering causing him to rush even faster.

"J-Jerem-miah-" she whispers faintly, before passing out.


Bruce's P.O.V

"Alfred?!" I scream fruitlessly in the dark hallway.

A voice echoes over some speakers, "Hello, Bruce."


"I imagine you're wondering, 'Why is Jeremiah doing this?'. My brother once said, 'All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy.'"

Out of nowhere, a projector turns on, and all over the walls there is a screaming video of Alfred.

"Jerome gave me what I thought was the worst day of my life. But only by losing everything was I able to face what was inside me. And I believe I've seen something very special inside of you as well."


"But to free it, you'll have to lose everything and everyone you hold dear."

The projector clicks off.


Jeremiah's P.O.V

I stare at the fragile and yet still beautiful body, lying on the bed, her eyelids closed.

She's wearing a sort of hospital gown, but she's not in a hospital. She's at my 'second home'. It's more or less like the one I exploded to get rid of Jim Gordon, but the maze in it is more advanced. Once again, it's underground, and the only way to leave is through the maze. So I highly doubt Samantha can run off too far when she wakes up. To be honest, I'm not sure she'll be able to stand. Ecco did bring in a wheelchair for her, which is making me nervous.

Ecco came in time to patch her up, and I'm grateful. But my main priority is now finding out who shot her.

Why would they shoot her? Is it because I said that I cared about her?

"Don't think that just because I care about you, it means that I will actually take into account what you say." That's what I said.

I gave them a chance to weaken me. I let her get hurt. When I find out who shot her... they'll regret even touching that gun. If they're alive, that is.

Crazy for You - Valeska Brothers x Female OC (Gotham)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ