49. The Blimp

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Jim's P.O.V

"Why are we waiting? Waiting, waiting, waiting, someone's gonna die," Jerome chants, strumming along on the guitar that has a strap attached to it, adjusted around his shoulder so he can play it with the device still in his hands.

He shuts himself up when he spots me, Bruce and Jeremiah.

"Well, look who decided to show up. We were starting to get nervous, especially the mayor here. My guests of honour, please, take your seats on stage," he says, throwing the guitar to one of the Arkham inmates.

Bruce walks forward, but Jeremiah hesitates.

"Come on," Jerome smirks, "don't be shy."

"It's all right," I reassure Jeremiah, who nods, beginning to slowly walk forward, and towards his brother.

"We don't have all day," Jerome mocks his brother's hesitation.

"It's activated," Lucius whispers to me. "Just let them get a little closer."

"On my command," I say through the radio, to the one of the snipers.

"Standing by," he replies.

Jeremiah and Bruce continue to walk forward. Jeremiah gets confused looks from the crowd.

"Hi, brother," Jerome calls out, his eyes turning into snakelike slits as Jeremiah approaches him.

"Now," Lucius commands.

"Fire. All targets fire."

A few gunshots ring out, but Jerome doesn't topple to the ground. I glance up at the snipers.

Some of the Arkham inmates shoot them, and soon enough there aren't any snipers left.

"I had my guys take out the best vantage points last nights. So they've been watching your little SWAT team all day. Now, Bruce. Brother dear. Get up on stage. It's time to get this party really started, huh?" Jerome laughs.

Bruce and Jeremiah have no choice but to continue walking forward.


Sam's P.O.V

I snatch the cellphone out of the man's pocket, deciding that I'll probably have to call Gordon. I contemplate on taking the gun he has. In the end, I take it. I'm probably not going to want to use it, but that doesn't mean I can't threaten people with it. I also grab the car keys in his pocket.

Now that I'm 'free', I can take a proper look into where the hell I am.

It looks like some abandoned warehouse.

I run over to the door, and luckily, it's unlocked. Idiots.

I step outside, my heart pounding in my ears.

I pull my arms over my chest, shivering against the sudden cold wind.

It looks like I'm at the docks. I'm still in Gotham, just the far edge of it.

My eyes spot something in the horizon, on the other side of Gotham.

"Is that a fucking blimp?" I say aloud.


Jerome's P.O.V

"No parent will admit it. But everyone's got their favourites. Right, brother?"

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