Chapter 6

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      Michael POV;
I needed to clear my head, my mother has been dead for sometime now and he decides to pick another woman, someone he barely knew at first I was surprised but then again I wasn't. There was something strange and fish about this girl it was like a mysterious person I wanted to unravel, beautiful yes but very  secretive. I needed to have her investigated.
   I needed to drink water,I was so thirsty as I went to the kitchen cabinet, Nana Clara an elderly kind woman who have served our house for 40 yes now. Was cooking she is my favourite nanny,her kind smoke and gracious way of pampering and scolding made me love her.
  Good afternoon young prince she greeted me with her usual nice smile.
   Afternoon Nanny,how are you I greeted her as I went to the fridge and poured my self a cool glass of water.
We chatted for sometime before I left to get dress for dinner and her to cook.
    During dinner,I couldn't help bit notice the way my father lusted after the strange woman,it irritated me and I quickly lost appetite as I left the dinning.
       Cassandra POV;
To say I hated every moment that passed was a big lie,I felt anger,rage. I loved the king even in his twisted annoying ways of going things he was still my love and after the sudden death of his queen I was there all throughout to be with him and please him but he never looked my side. And now he bring a new woman to marry I had cried till there was no more tears and now sitting on this horrible dinning  for dinner pretending all was well when it wasn't. The prince got up and so did I.

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