Chapter 20

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The sight I saw made my heart sank,I knew my actions would make him very upset and sad but this, this wasn't what I anticipated.
He sat there almost lifeless his eyes looked at a particular thing not moving. Except for his shallow breathing it was like he wasn't even alive, my heart wept at his sight,he sat on one of the chairs zoned out. He still wore the coronation dress and his food was untouched at the table even the filled water bottle was still unopened.
  Realization of what I have done kept coming back to me,little by little,I had ended the life of his only living parent and no one deserved to watch that no matter how bad the person was.  And now he had lost the will to live.
Michael I called my voice sounding broken,but desperate to get a reaction from him any reaction,  I could withstand anything but not this.
I made my way to him and sat down on the floor in Indian style,luckily it was clean.  As I faced him I wished with all my life that he would talk to me,that he would say something

Am sorry, to have hurt you Michael forgive me I said with a a voice I hardly recognized as mine.
     The original plan was not to kill your father, but it was kill or be killed. It was his life or mine and a lot of people depended on me.   Silence  was my response he said nothing.
Talk to me I beg you. I love you with all my heart Michael I do,I could not tell you any of this because I was on a mission but I fell in love,hopelessly and deeply with you and if I can ask for a nicer situation of things I would. I would give in anything to have met you in a better time a better place, please forgive me my love please.

  After what seemed like hours without response from Michael, I left the room begging and pleading with him,to eat something.
I was exhausted as I lied on the bed deeply in thoughts images of Michael didn't leave my head. His eyes that was filled with activity and life was now almost lifeless the tears that escaped my eyes when talking to him,my heart that bled at how much he was slowly dying I needed to do something quick and fast or I would loose him. With that thought in mind I willed sleep to come.

Aunty I need you I would not be here if it  wasn't urgent,I tod her My aunt stood up from her bed surprised at how I came into her room without making a sound.

Amelia my God you look like you have aged 10years older,what is it honey tell me what's wrong? She said touching my face and looking around me concerned and worried.
  I was in between tears as i spoke to her, Please help me,tell me what to do how do I save my beloved? Tears was rushing down my eyes as I looked at her worry and pity as she hugged me telling me to let it all out.
  After what seemed like hours and I gathered my emotions, she sat me down on a couch that was near the fire stand it warmth me warm and I welcomed it.
Am so sorry about what your going through Amelia but you need to be strong and patient he will come back to you. He is mourning and in deep pain but he will be fine just calm down okay??
I flamed up, strong?? Am tired of being strong aunt, tell me what has being strong gotten me I yelled at her letting all my frustration and anger out on her as she sat down understanding my situation.

   Just then Zach and two other warriors bagged in.
Lady Amelia Michael has ran away??
We don't know how or when but all we know is that he had help from one of the guards Zach reported to me.
Something within me broke that instant,any chance of our reconciliation was gone,I had a mole, and if Michael was not found and under my custody within the next 24 hours, It meant I  was declaring war for ware wolf  council men,as they had warned me to keep him safe and unharmed as we discuss the peace treaty of our city.  Michael was the only living proof that the whole arrangement to overthrow the king wasn't a deliberate invitation of war but for justice seeking. He was the only peace offering i could hand back to them although I had no intention of letting him go I was going to fight for the love i had for him till,I shed my last dying breath and someone had helped him escaped away from him the mere thought scared the living day light out of me.
I needed to be control, my emotions where all over the place as I yelled at them
Find him or I kill each and everyone now!!!! I screamed at them.
They had just released the monster in me,and no one was going to tame it, except my beloved I need to find him.

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