Chapter 15

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They all looked at me like I was mad,I hard lost my,senses. As if daring me one of the guards raised his sword to strike another, I used my magic to lift his sword and i threw it off the windows. The men and elders,all looked at me with,shock and when they recovered from shock one of them spoke out... You,witch magic is banned from our land seize her,have her locked up,she must,die! One of the elders finally spoke up.
I looked at the king my supposed husband,everyone was silent awaiting his order. While the rest of elders,guest and everyone shaked their head in disappointment.
Something triggered me then. This was what I was fighting against we where Bron with this magic it wasn't a curse it was a special gift and we had to be treated as one,not killed and punished because we are different.
The king looked up and finally talked,
Take her to the cells and have her locked up I will decide her fate later.
I rolled my eyes like I cared what he said,anger and hatred burning up inside me this was as far as it can get enough.

I quickly changed position,turning to be at the Kings back hitting him at his back as he fell the guards charged towards me as the king remain still almost paralyzed on the ground.
I raised my finger stopping the guards in midair,they where still none could move and I smiled.
Now where were we? I asked turning back to the elders who stood looking at me with shock,together with the people.
I walked and sat at the throne, fear gripped everyone except my people who already knew what I was capable of. The prince and the king where now held under hostage by my guards and the palace guards where Still hung on air by my powers causing the people to shiver as I freely moved.

Elders this coronation will proceed but I will give the orders now! Your king here will be dethroned today and I will be crowned. After which I will be your new queen is that clear.
More warriors from the palace rushed to where I was. Looking at their colleague on air,they had fear but they masked it.
One of the elders called OTI Spoke up we will never follow your rule your an imposter never?!!.
I felt anger building up within me this old man had no idea what I was capable of doing. I haven't come this far to be insulted.

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