Chapter 19

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         Zach POV:

Good morning lady Amelia i sent your request as you instructed,we now await their response. I told her as soon as I entered into the courtroom.
She sat on the throne chair going through some files a frown on her face.
  Thank you Zach how are the people taking the news of their dead king? She asked briefly looking at me before looking back on the papers.
   I knew what she was thinking, but I could give her the benefit of doubt.
They are taking the news better than expected, do not bother about them we have a lot on our plates, the evil king needed to die don't blame yourself about it. Now tell me have you talked to the ex_prince.

   Amelia POV:
At the mention of his name my body,involuntarily shivered 'my beloved' I thought no one knew he was my chosen. I had ordered food and water to be given to him but I haven't seen him since the incident.
   Answering Zach's  question, No I haven't seen him once I have gotten done with some of this files, I will go him I need to sort  things with him soon and decide his fate his people are restless about him despite what his father was everyone loved prince Michael and I knew they where waiting for a perfect time to cause a riot demanding his freedom.

Just then we where interrupted, the door opened and Jane one of the former main citizen, a female, who was in her middle thirties  and who  worked as a maid in the palace as a maid came in.
    Am sorry for interrupting lady, Amelia but  prince Michael is not eating and refusing water,I doubt he will last longer of he continues this way he is highly dehydrated. I wanted to know what your orders are.

   Thank you Jane you may leave,I will be with him soon,hopefully he will have something to eat by then.
And she left hurriedly as if she could not stand the sight of me muck longer.
Turning back to Zach, I need you to round up all the men I want to have address them briefly.
And summon Derrick the pack announcer I want to talk to him.
  With that said Zach nodded and left the room.
I sighed as I made my way to the room Michael was,to be honest I was dreading meeting him,more than I have ever dreaded anything my entire life. But I needed to talk to him. It must be done and so with a shaky hands and feet's,and a nervous movement I opened his door after excusing the guards who where standing outside.


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