Chapter 18

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Amelia POV;
My aunt looked pale,but I could see relief in her eyes,.     
        Am glad this is over she said sighing as she sat on  one of the chair in the couch.
I smiled at her,for the first time having a reason to smile.
     Its not over aunty not by a long shot,I told her my voice returning to normal.  That's true,  Victor one of the guard said, the prince is still in custody,lady Amelia,what do we do with him?he informed me.
I scratched my head,as I sat down,
I can't deal with him today,give him enough food and water, I will deal with him soon,I replied to him. While I looked at Zach and told him to surround the loyal, we need a meetings now,and  Send words to the dragon brothers tell them its an emergency.
I instructed Zach and he left in a hurry to do what I said.
I faced the rest of the my people as I addressed them,            
  For a long time we have waited for this day,a day of freedom a day we live like human begins again free to enjoy our gifts given to us my mother earth, now we experience total freedom. This is your land posses it but do it with caution nothing changes rules remain the rules, and over the time new rules concerning equality to both gifted and non gifted will be read failure or hindernce to this law is punishable by death.
    Few minutes later
I stared at my bathroom mirror as I remembered how events of today took place. My heart was longing for me to see my beloved but I knew this wasn't the right time. I needed to be strong,I had to clear up things with him I knew in my heart that I loved him,I had always loved him from the first day I layed my eyes on him. Even if he wasn't fated to me I would still not harm him because just like me he was a victim in all of these but I knew that earning his forgiveness wouldn't be easy,I had just killed his father,and no matter how bad a parent is loosing one is always a pain.
I climbed my bed in hope to finally rest,to allow my exhaustion put me to bed.

Lady Amelia, victor called me as I sat down in the throne room issuing orders to the guards on duty.
Yes victor I replied looking at him,he was panting and sweating. What is wrong victor answer me!!
Lady Amelia you need to come with me now!. I quickly got up and rushed out with me anxiety felling me up.
I was led to one of the interrogatory rooms,for some reason I didn't want to open the red gate in front of me it was like I was afraid of what I would see behind those doors.
I grasped myself as I quickly opened the door. The sight that beheld me was not something I could believe my voice lost itself, I was paralyzed at the image in front of me. Part of me laid before me lifeless. Victor was talking but I couldn't hear him,I was trapped in my own words.
I couldn't bring myself to walk but somehow I managed, No! No! This cannot be happening. Michael my love please wake up I fell on the cold floor as my shaky hands tried to touch his bloody  face. And that was when I knew this was the end of my long run
  No!!!!!  I shouted as I woke up sweating and visibly shaking, i was relived when I realized that was the worst nightmare. I looked outside and noticed that the is  red in colour. The dream was not ordinary it was a warning of my future I felt it .I needed to be with him, With my feeling all over the place and  sleep refusing to return. I dressed and sneaked out to the interrogatory to his room where he was being kept. I stayed outside hearing only his heartbeat which was faint. Meaning he was asleep. I prayed the gods will favour us. As I welcomed an sleep.

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