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"Give me a kiss." He whispers in his ear.

Dan freezes as if trying to figure out what is going on. Then he pushes Phil off of him as best he can which he only goes back 3 inches.

"Are you insane!" Dan yells, trying to move out his grasp.
Phil grins and brings his fingertip up, tracing the side of his face, "No I'm not, but I just want to know, you're gay aren't you?"

Dan's cheeks flush as he pushes him harder, Phil actually takes a step back, but he's still grinning at him.

"I-you-It's none of your business what my sexuality is!"

"So you're gay." Phil confirms.

Dan pulls back down his rumpled shirt and straightens out his tie. "You are out of line Phil, and I refuse to answer your statement because I don't have to."

Phil claps slowly, "Okay, but I'll get you to confirm it somehow."

"And what about you? You're-"

"I only have one person I'm gay for."

Dan's mouth fly open in shock. Did Phil just so casually come out to him? He didn't even really know him!

"Who is it?" Dan asks greedily, the one thing that Dan loves is gossip, he's a sucker for it.

Phil looks at him for a moment and laughs, "Oh Dan, you're so precious."

He looks at him in pure disappointment and then huffs, straightening his bookbag straps, "I don't care if you told me or not."

"Right." Phil waves at him, "go back to your room now Dan, but remember, we still haven't discussed your repayment."

Dan turns on his heel and goes further down the hall, he looks back over at the last second to see Phil still standing there, he pecks his lips and his snake bites create a glare from the sunny window. Face flushed, Dan hurried in his room and closes and locks the door. Phil had no right to get in his personal life like that!

It was basically sexual assault now. Dan takes off his bag and throws it to the floor, raking his hands through his hair. He was so confused. He was only 17, Phil was... he didn't even know! But he knew he wasn't old enough to be a pedophile.

Should he report this? He didn't think he should because how would that sound? Dan decides that he would just have to avoid him as best he could, and try to ignore him.

"Hey Shane." Phil calls out to him as he walks into the lounge.  Felix was already passed out snoring, books surrounding him.

Shane sighs as he drops his books and bag on the floor in front of him, the more the years  go by, the harder the work gets. "What is it Phil?"

"I was talking to Dan today-"
"Phil I already told you that I don't know anything about him."

"No it's just... he wouldn't kiss me when I asked him to."

Shane looks at him for a moment before bursting out in laughter. "Oh Phil! Dan isn't going to kiss you because you asked."

Phil pulled a confused frown, "But why?"

"Because honey, he doesn't like you, it's just that simple." Felix snores loudly in agreement.

As Phil sits there thinking Shane speaks up again but it's in a more mysterious and ominous voice. "Or Dan is actually a spy here to kill anyone he gets to close to, so that's why he won't."

Phil rolls his eyes and stands up, "Shane I have no time for your conspiracy theories."
"It could be true Phil!" Shane says, propping his feet up and turning on the overhead TV.

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