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Dan had back on his cat costume and was crawling towards Phil who was sitting in a chair smirking at him.

"Come here my little neko." He pats his knee.
Dan purrs and gets up easily into his lap.

"You're so pretty." His owner whispers as he strokes his hair softly. Dan nuzzles into his neck.

Phil picks his head up and and kisses him forcefully. Dan kisses back, making small noises as Phil grips his hips in such a sexy way. And wants more of him. His hips twitch softly and Phil groans pulling his lip in between his teeth.

Dan winced but loved the pain. Phil let go of his lip and dipped his head so he kissed and sucked at his neck. Dan leaned his head back so far that his cat ears fell off. "Oh Phil." He moans.That's when Phil stops and looks up at him.

"Why did you stop?" Dan pants as he brings his head back up.

"Because you need to wake up."


"Wake up Dan, wake up." Phil says.

"Seriously wake up." The real Phil says shaking his shoulders. Dan blinks his eyes several times to see a shirtless Phil on top of him smiling, his even hair falling into his eyes.

"Okay, I'm up." Dan brushes off his hands and Phil lays back down beside him. They were in Dan's room today, they usually alternated which room they slept in.

"You we're making weird noises in your sleep." Dan wasn't looking at Phil's face but he could tell it had a smug look on it, Phil wasn't dumb, he knew what was wrong with Dan.

"Get out." Dan says quietly but sternly.
"What?" There was shock on Phil's face, "are you serious?"

"Yes!" Dan sits up and pushes his arm lightly. "just wait for me at the stairs and I'll be there I just need to think for a minute."

"Okay..." Phil gets up but leans over quickly and gives him a quick kiss on the forehead. "don't think to much."

Dan stays with his knees pulled to his chest as he stares at a blank space on the nearby wall. He doesn't know why, but finally, the heat tints his cheeks as he thinks back to his dream. Why in the world did he dream about that? They haven't even done anything remotely close to what happened in the dream, at least not in a while. The cat costume was another mystery to. Dan didn't even think he still thought of Phil in that way, but the feeling of his touch, his lips still lingering on his skin, sent him into some sort of frenzy. He straightens out his legs and holds his head in his hands. He didn't think he could face Phil without blushing now.

Dan sighs and drops his hands. He moves out of bed and.... "Great." Dan had a slight problem in his thin pajama pants and he prays that Phil hadn't seen it. How could that dream get him so worked up?


"You feeling okay now?" Phil asks as Dan adjusts his bag strap and  nears him fully clothed in his uniform. Phil hands him a energy bar since he had missed breakfast.

"Yea, I just had to think." Dan accepts Phil's outstretched hand after he puts the bar in his bag, and they start walking down the steps. "I see you're in full uniform today."

Phil looks down at his burgundy blazer and wrinkled, slightly loose tie. "It's whatever." he shrugs but smiles softly. "What was it, your dream?"

Dan blushes as looks at his feet descending down the steps. "It was nothing, I just had to process it."

"I'm glad you did, it sounded like a good dream or a bad one, I couldn't tell by the noises you were making- hey, was I in it?"

"No! What makes you think you were!" Dan's voice goes up an octave as he looks at him.

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