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There was three sharp knocks on the brown door and Dan stand up as straight as he can. Phil gives him a reassuring pat and Dan sniffs one of the sweet smelling roses that Phil had given to him.

His brother opens the door.
He grins and opens it wider so they could enter.

"You came back with someone at your side little brother." He grins as he shuts the door.

"Yeah my boyfriend dumbass." Phil laughs shoving his shoulder. "Dan this is my older brother Martyn."

Dan smiles shyly and holds out his hand. "N-nice to meet you."
Martyn grins brightly and gives him the most straightest handshake, Dan didn't know what to do.
"Is that rose for me?" He laughs.

Dan's cheeks went pink. "Um, no, it's for your mother actually."

Martyn looks at Phil. "Hey I approve."
"Of course you do, he's perfect." Phil scoffs, "where's mom and dad?"

"They're in the room, mom is trying to help him put his clothes on."

Dan gasps lightly, exactly what had happened to Phil's father?
"We'll wait in my room until they come out, come on Bear."

"Bear?" Martyn calls out as they walk down the hall.
"None of your damn business Martyn!" Phil yells back.

In the comfort of Phil's room, Dan sighs and throws himself on his surprisingly brightly checkered green and blue sheets. "That was super weird." He sighs, he buries his face in the sheets and his nose immediately filled with Phil's beautiful scent.

"I think that went by fine. Phil laughs as he puts down his suitcase and sits beside him on the bed. "you're really cute when you're flustered."

Dan smirks into the blanket. "Is that the only time I'm cute?"
Phil grabs his arm and rolls him over and lies down beside him like how they did in the hospital, he leans close. "You're cute always, you're cute now."

Dan blushes, "You make me feel cute."
Phil, as always tugs that perfect lip from the entrapment of his teeth. "I want to make you feel pretty and beautiful too."

"I know." Dan whispers.
Those beautiful brown amber eyes captured Phil, he was head over heels for this boy. "Hey." He whispers.

They started with just closed mouth kissing. Dan had dropped the rose and grabbed Phil's hand, tangling their fingers together. Phil had licked his bottom lip softly to ask for permission, he had to keep from groaning as he tasted the sweet taste of his previous candy cane on his lips. Dan grants the silent offer and when their tinges touched, it got a little more passionate. The kiss accelerated a bit and Dan's legs was starting to curve around Phil's waist. When Phil pulled him close, Dan made a soft noise as their bodies pressed together tightly.

Phil pulled away first. He was breathing heavy with a slight grin on his face. Dan was surprised and tries to lean in for more but Phil puts a finger to his lips. "No Dan, that's enough."

"What?" Dan asks, panting softly. Phil chuckles and puts his forehead on his. "I wouldn't be able to stop if we kept going in the same direction."

"Oh." Dan answers, he laughs lightly, "sorry."
Phil sits up, but keeps his hand in his. "It's fine, not your fault, we should just go down there now before we don't come out for a long time."

Dan laughs a little at this as he grabs the fallen rose, inspects it to see if there were any faults and gets up with Phil.


The probably most nerve racking thing ever to happen in Dan's life was to watch Phil's father look at him with reproachful eyes. He had won his mother over instantly with the rose. She was now sniffing it thoughtfully.

"I was surprised when Phil told me he was into guys, he always looked like a girl kinda guy to me." He finally answers.

"Well that's not always the case dad." Phil points out. There wasn't any tightness in his voice, just knowledge.

"I know Phil. Still, he is my son, and he's made his choice, and I can't change that."

At that he looks at Martyn and he comes over and grabs the hand rests of the wheelchair, since his arm was in a cast he couldn't push himself, and rolls him into the kitchen.

"What did that mean?" Dan asks quietly.

"It means you passed, he accepts you." Phil smiles.



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