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i'm sorry this is short notice, but my dad is in the hospital and i have to see if he's okay, i gave your mom my number so you can call me when you wake up.
i love you.

'I love you' Dan glances over the word one two many times before the realization that Phil was gone settles in his chest and he runs downstairs and into the kitchen where his mother was humming and cooking breakfast.

"Mom, you knew Phil left?" He was clutching the note tightly in his fist as tears threatened to spill out on his cheeks.

She looks up from the cooking eggs and red creeps up on her freckled cheeks. "Well Dan, it was in the middle of the night, and he told me that if he woke you, you wouldn't let him leave."

"Yes I would've!" Dan said, but there was hesitancy in his voice.

His mother seemed to catch on. "He said he had to go alone bear honey, he said something about clearing things up."

His shoulders slumped forward as he leaned against the kitchen wall. He knew that Phil probably wanted to build the relationship back with his dad that he had lost but, Dan didn't get to tell him goodbye, to kiss him before he left. A folded slip of paper was in front of his downcast eyes and he looks up to see his mother smiling solemnly.

"Go call him, I bet he's waiting for you to."

Dan nods and grabs the paper with the hand that wasn't occupied with the crumpled note. He turns and jogs back up the stairs and into his room. He hasn't used his phone since he started going to the academy so he had to search for it a little before he found it under a pile of unfinished sketches.

He held the button down and sighed as his begins it turn on. When the lockscreen came up with him and his dog he quickly unraveled the folded slip of paper and dialed the number. What he didn't notice in his haste, was that his phone was only on 5%.

Phil picked up on the third ring.
"Hello?" He sounded stressed.


"Oh, God Dan! I missed hearing your voice." The stressed tone turned to relief and happiness.

Dan started walking around his room, with a angry scowl on his face. "Why did you leave without saying goodbye hoe?"

Phil's lighthearted chuckle made Dan's heart swell and the angry frown slipped off his face.


"It was urgent, I'm sorry, my dad got in a bad car wreck and... I don't know, I just.... got scared that he was not going to make it you know?"

"You love him still." Dan whispers into the phone. It wasn't a question.

Phil was silent for a moment. Dan could practically hear the gears turning in his head as he tries to figure out what to say.

"I forgot about why we were mad at each other when I saw him Dan, it took me awhile to remember why we were actually arguing, all I could think about, was how much I didn't want to lose him."


Dan was smiling ear to ear. "Phil that's, that's amazing, I hope you guys fixed your problems."

"We did, I ran over to him and I hugged him, and he hugged me back. I think that's enough said."

"I wish I could've came with you." Dan whispered.

"That's the thing Dan..." only static was heard as Dan waited for his reply, "...I'm spending Christmas with my family.."


"W-what?" Dan splutters, "but..." He didn't want to sound selfish so he tightens his lips.

"Would you like to come with me?" Phil questions, slight amusement in his tone.

Dan brightens. "Really! I can meet your family?!"

"Yes." Phil laughs, "they'll love you, I'll come get you close to Christmas, like on Christmas Eve."

His heart sinks again. "Oh."

"That's when my dad is going home, you can hold out for that long right?"


"Yes." Dan sighs.

"Hey you want to know something?" Phil says cheerfully, trying to make him not sound so upset.


"My mom thought I was married when she saw the ring on my finger, I had to tell her it was on my right hand not my left." Phil chuckles.

Dan smiles softly. "One day you will be."

"To you. To the most beautiful boy in the world."

He blushes madly. "Shut up Phil."

"Are you blushing? I bet you are, it's so cute when you blush." Phil took on a low sexy tone.

"Phil!" Dan hisses, "don't start something you can't finish."

"I miss you so much Dan," he continues, "I can't wait to see you again because when I do-"


"What?" Dan says anxiously. He pulls the phone away from his ear and looks at his saddened expression in the dark reflection.

His phone had died. Just when things were starting to look up for him. He spends a an extra few minutes trying to find his charger that was trapped under his bed. He he plugged it into the the outlet. His phone lit up and started to charge. He sighed and sat back on his bed. It was a long time before he saw his boyfriend again.

hoped you liked this!


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