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"What? What do you mean what?" Dan asks coming closer to him.

"I uh, I.." Phil let's out a sharp laugh, "I was um, taken off guard Dan but, I was hoping you were going to say something else."

Dan shakes his hands in front of him, "No! I was hoping you would take that saying from me saying that I love you."

"Dan calm down, you're saying it to enthusiastically." Phil laughs nervously.
"What do you mean? I do love you Phil."

"Okay, hang on." Phil grabs his upper arm and drags him up the small steps and turns into his room.

"Dan you don't love me." Phil says as he closes the door.

He looks at him shocked, "What do you mean? Yes I do! I lo-"

Phil puts a finger to his lips. "Dan please, you have to understand.... I don't like that word."
"What why?" His voice comes out mushed.

"It sounds like to much commitment that I have to contribute to."
Dan easily picks out what he's saying, "Are you saying you don't love me?"

"Now Dan before you get all upset, just know that I really do care about you, but I'm just not ready to say those words yet."

"You don't love me..." Dan whispers.

Phil puts his hand under his chin and lift his face up. His brown eyes were dark with confusion and sadness.
"I promise you, I do care a lot about you and I want to be in a relationship with you, but it's harder for me Dan, it's harder for me to say those words so casually like you do, I haven't loved anyone in a while."

"But many couples fall in love with each other, that's how they get together." Dan bargains.

"Dan stop comparing what we have to other couples, we're not always going to be like everybody else."

He sighs and looks around Phil's room, not wanting to meet his eyes at the moment, he was upset but not confused anymore. "So you don't love me, but you want to be in a relationship with me?"

"Exactly." Phil kisses him on his forehead, "it's very common that many couples don't say the three words until they're actually sure that they will stay together."

Dan flicks his eyes back to his, "You're saying you don't think we'll last?"

    "I honestly don't know what the future will hold Dan, but I know that one day you will get me to say the words."

Dan felt pretty confident about that anyway. "So, you need to ask me now."

Phil laughs and takes his fingers away from his chin. "Dan?"

Dan smiles widely , "Yes Phil?"

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

"Yes." Dan laughs and throws his arms around his neck. "of course I will."

Phil grins back at him and kisses him quickly on the lips. Dan thinks for a moment. "Hmm that is different."

"What?" Phil was cut off by Dan kissing him again.
"Your piercings, but it's okay I liked it."

Phil rolls his eyes, he was all smiles, "I'm just glad we're official now."

Dan nods and then turn to look around the room, he spots the bag from the store on his bed. "I don't think we're going back down there, so can you show me what's in the bag?"

Phil looks at Dan's body, his glittery cat ears to we're tilted to the side, his cat whiskers were rubbing off, and he had torn a hole in the knee of his tights surprisingly. He was beautiful.

"No." Phil decides, "that's for another day."


"Dan just hold my hand, it's not that hard." Phil tries to capture Dan's hand in his as they walk across the yard to theater.

"But people are watching!" Dan glances around at the people that were paying no attention to the two of them.

Phil grabs his hand successfully and keeps a firm grip on it. "No one is watching, and even if they are, who cares? They should stay out of our business."

Dan keeps his eyes down but still holds Phil's hand who was whistling happily. He had taken the piercings out his lip again and he had his jacket slug around his arm just in case Dan was cold and needed it.

The boys had figured out pretty quickly that they were a thing when Shane had joked about it this morning and neither one denied it. None of them were surprised at all. Phil couldn't wait to show everyone that they were a couple. Dan on the other hand, was a little more cautious. If someone had asked, he would tell them that they were dating, but he didn't want to cause a fuss about it.

Phil holds open the door for Dan as they reach the theater room. Ashelmet was standing in the middle of a circle of kids, handing out the actual parts of the play to them. Since Dan and Phil already knew who they were playing they hung back and went over their lines.

"Hey you two!" The director calls, "get over here so I can explain the whole play."

They sit in the back beside Chris who was showing him that he got the part of the king.

"Now, the play is called 'Remember Me' and as I had explained some of it. There's a girl, Lila and a boy, Derek who were in love or had a sort of thing going before Lila's mother marries a king so they have to move into the castle where Lila becomes a princess and forgets all about Derek.
"It's been years but Derek finally finds Lila and struggles to get her back in his life."

It was a really good storyline but Dan was worried about all the hard work he would have to put into it.
"Right so, we'll all get in our places from the stage and take it from beginning to end with scripts in hand, let's see how we do!"

Everyone scrambled up to the stage. Dan's script was handed to him and he saw that he was the opening act and was supposed to be having a talk with his mother by the lake, his mother was Melissa.

Things were going pretty good, many people messed up since it was their first time but they got through it. But, it was always that one scene where Dan freezes.

"You know we can kiss right? It won't be awkward anymore now." Phil whispers as Dan leans away from him.

"I know, I just can't bring myself to in front of everyone."

"Well you're going to have to at the performance so might as well start practicing!" Ashelmet yells from his director's chair, "and tomorrow we're fitting everyone in uniforms."

Dan did not want to wear a dress, and he made sure Phil knew it. "Phil! Tell him I don't want to wear a dress!" He wines.

Phil looks down at him, "Dan it's a play you have to."

"Philll!!" Dan pouts. "please?"

Phil sighs. "I'll see what I can do."
Dan smiles and Phil grimaces, "I hate it when you get everything your way."

Dan just laughs and steps down the stage, their scene was over now anyway and the next scene was coming up.

Even though Dan acted awkward and weird around Phil, he was really happy that they were together and he let him know that by standing on his toes and giving him a quick but discrete kiss on the cheek. Phil just smiled softly.

i have chronic writers block but that's okay!! :)))


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