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an: i totally forgot chris was part of the hall because there's way to many boys to remember, so i'm just going to slip him into the story like he's been there the entire time okay? :) lol

James stands in front of the now standing boys with the other boy at his side, by now half the yard was looking incredulously at the pink flashy car.

"Guys this is Jeffree. Jeffree this is guys."

"What's up sluts." Jeffree says waving.

Shane gasps, "How did he know?"
"Shut up!" Chris elbows him.

"Okay so I'm going to be gone for the rest of today because we're going shopping at a real store." James says.

Dan notices that Jeffree has tattoos up to his neck and hands, he also sees Phil eyeing them and touching his own neck. He better not think about getting one.

"Wait." Jeffree says, "I want a proper introduction to all of them."

James sighs, "Okay this is Chris, the most sane person out of all of them, this is Sean, he's Irish and the most straightest man I've ever seen, This is Mark, he's the strongest of them all, this is Shane, he's always eating and he's always saying the dumbest stuff but we accept him, this is Felix, the one that should be in charge but he's not,"
"Hey!"Shane wines.

"this is Phil, he's a bad boy and he's my lover but Dan's boyfriend so hands off."

"That's not correct-" Dan starts.

"And this is Dan! He's the most innocent of the group, loves wearing skirts, and has a very feminine body."

"I don't wear skirts!" Dan says exasperatedly, while Jeffree looks at him with interest.

"But you're wearing lip gloss." Jeffree points out." All the boys turn their heads to look at him.

"F-For the sun!"
"Who told you that lip gloss is for the-?" Going off James' look he stops.

"Well this has been fun! But it seems we have to go now." James waves at them and turns with Jeffree to go back to the car, they were both giggling and looking back at Dan.

When they drove off, Felix announces that they should be heading back.

When they get back into the hall, Dan sighs and puts all of his shopping bags down, but the glint of his new bracelet catches his eyes. He smiles at it, and twist his wrist to look at it more.

At dinner that night, all the boys were laughing at table and throwing small pieces of food at each other. Dan was stirring his hot chocolate that he had, he had been deep in his thoughts for a while now.

"It's time for bed boys." One of the chefs said irritably from the kitchen.

They all sigh and push away from the messy table, Shane flicks some broccoli at the back of Chris' head and they chase each other up the steps with the boys laughing behind them.

"Oh guys I almost forgot! Dan's birthday is tomorrow!" Felix exclaims

All the boys stop and Shane yells excitedly. "Oh my gosh my little boy is growing up!"

Dan blushes, happy that they remember, "It's just eighteen, nothing special."

Chris snorts, green broccoli falling from his hair, "Dan you can basically do anything you want."

"Yea anything." Phil says lowly. Dan looks over at him in shock, and thought back to the condom incident.

"Well we should all be going to bed, especially when Dan's birthday is going to be tomorrow, who wants to wake him up with a bottle of alcohol dumped on him?"Mark says.

"Let's steal some from Phil's room." Sean says.

"Hey!" Yells Phil, but the guys are running up the steps.

Dan stands up to, ready to go to bed himself.

"Wait Dan." Phil stands up, "can you come into my room for a few minutes?"

Dan looks at him, "For what?"
"To explain to you."

Phil gestures to his shoulders, that were concealed by his jacket. Dan smiles, "Well lets go."

When they enter his dark room. Dan sits down on his messy bed as Phil closes the door silently. He walks over to Dan and strips off his jacket,laying it on the desk chair.

Dan tries to keep his eyes away from them, but he couldn't stop staring as Phil sits down beside him. Jumping right into the story.

"So believe it or not, I used to love my dad, but he was always on my back about different things being a cop and all, so I decided to move out but I needed money."

Dan sat there listening and hanging on to every word he says, not daring to blink.

"I got in touch with this company, and they had some jobs for me to do to get the money I needed, the things was, I had to steal money to get money, ironic right." Phil chuckles slightly, "So I'm doing this and I'm like hip deep in thousands, but for some reason I couldn't stop, I wanted more."

"My dad knew something was up when I kept giving them money I never had before to pay for all their bills, so he investigated, and no sooner than 3 months in he figured out what I was doing."
"He told me to stop but I couldn't, I shut him out, my whole family, but when I went back to the company they told me I owed them money, all the money I had ever earned."

"Why? You stole for them?" Dan asks, frowning.

Phil shrugs, "They said that they were giving me the money that I had stole in the first place, so I told them no, but they made sure I remembered my choice." Dan was greatful that he didn't go into detail about it.

Phil was looking at the sheets now, Dan had reached out a hand subconsciously and touched the shiny pink flesh, it felt smooth. Phil breathes in but otherwise let's Dan continue rubbing his shoulder.

"When I got home that night, police were all around my house, my dad had turned me in, he didn't want me to go to jail, but he wanted me to get straightened out, that's how I ended up at Kingston's, but every year I drop out."

"Phil, I'm so sorry that happened to you." Dan whispers. His hand reaches up to his other shoulder and he caresses the scar on that one to.

Phil picks his head up then and looks at his hands before taking them away, "Dan what happened to you? Why the sudden change of heart towards me?"

"What do you mean?" Dan's starts fumbling with his own fingers now.

"You don't like physical contact, especially with me so why?"

Dan's heart starts beating fast, he starts to feel nauseous , "I don't really know, I have this strange feeling around you."

Phil smiles happily, "Oh well that means that you finally like me."

"N-no!" he exclaims and he gets up quickly, leaving the room, "goodnight Phil."

Phil smiles, this was progress Dan was actually beginning to show feelings for him. Maybe in the further weeks they could be something.

Dan was pacing in his room, Phil was right, this was not him, he was supposed to be top accelerating student, only there to study and be passionate about school work. He turns his head to the wide mirror and goes over to it.

He sees how different he has changed, his curls are a mess, shirt untucked, eyes alight with a weird glow that hadn't been there before. Yea, something was definitely wrong with him.

"Study now, love later." He whispers to his reflection.

He could not get caught up in Phil anymore. He was angry at him for affecting him in this way. He didn't like this new part of him. He looks down at the flower bracelet.

'Delicate like a flower' Phil had said.

Dan unclasps it and walks over to his desk, sticking it in the drawer, when he closes it he breaths out a sigh of relief, there, now any trace of Phil was gone from him. It was time to act mature now, he was going to be eighteen tomorrow.

dans birthday... are you ready??

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