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It was Saturday and Dan just got done taking a shower in his personal bathroom. Water droplets dropped off his wet curls as he dries himself quickly and throws on his outfit for today. It was a pale blue collar shirt matched with his white pants and shoes.

He peeked out his door and crept over to Phil's. He puts his ear to it, listening intently for the sound of running water. When he hears it, he smiles and turns the knob, walking into the room. If Phil was going to steal his panties, how about he steals his jacket, then they would be even.

He searches everywhere, under the bed, in the closet, in the drawers. Still no jacket. Did he shower with it on?

Then Dan looks at the half closed door and sighs. It was risky but it was the only way. So Dan opens the door and slips in keeping his eyes down, he spots the jacket hanging off of the sink. The rest of his clothes were scattered on the floor.

Dan reaches for it, and closes his hand around the soft leather, but just as he yanks it, a pair of glasses fly off with it and slam to the floor. Since when did Phil wear glasses?

"Who's there?" Phil calls out.

Dan looks up reflexively and his face turns red as he catches sight of a naked Phil.

Phil was squinting into the steam that had been created by the hot water, and luckily, he was blind.

Dan re collects himself, and runs out the bathroom, his hands clasped tight on to the jacket, a smile etched into his face, and also a certain image in his mind.

He couldn't stop picturing it as he sits on the bed with the jacket. It was there, in his face and he had stared at it for a lifetime. But it was also the perfect opportunity to see what was hidden under the jacket, but he had been so preoccupied....

"No no no stop thinking about it!" Dan whispers. He looks at the black fabric and brings it up to his nose, taking a long sniff, he breathes in the smell of cigarettes and honey.

"Woah, why does he smell so good?" He sniffs it once more and a thought crept up in his head that made him throw the jacket under his pillow and stand far away from it.

His ears were burning in embarrassment. This was not the Dan that he himself knew. He never acted like this before, and he blames Phil for it. He was sitting there thinking so much that he didn't hear when Shane spoke to him from his doorway.

"Hey Dan do you-"
"I didn't see anything I swear!"

"What the hell?" Shane looks at him for a moment and Dan takes the time to re collet himself.

"I apologize for my outburst Shane, I was merely trapped in my own mind for a second."

Shane looks at him funny before shrugging and going to sit on his bed. Dan holds his breath as he watches the pillow move a little.

"So anyway, the boys and I all want to go on little shopping spree in the schools store, and it looks like someone needs it."

Dan looks down at his outfit, "What's wrong with it?"

"Dan no one wears polo anymore."

"What why?"
"This is exactly why we're going shopping, at least until someone here can get a car so we can go to a actual mall."

Dan sighs, he thought he dressed pretty good.

Shane sighs and gets up, hitting the pillow down to the floor in the process. Dan shrieks and puts his hands over his mouth. A move he does when he gets scared.

Shane looks opens mouthed at the leather jacket, he points at it and turns to Dan.

"How did you get this?"

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