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The air was starting to get colder at Kingston's Academy as it slowly turns over into October. New recruits had came in yesterday and had occupied more of the now vacant upper halls as the 5th years graduated and left.Dan watches them as they nervously make their way up the flights, dragging their suitcases slowly behind them. They looked less excited than the girls who chattered excitedly with Louise on the lower hall.

Dan remembers how excited he was for his first day, it seemed so long ago that he was starting at Kingston's, three years ago to be exact. He thinks to how much he's changing since then, how now he feels like he shouldn't be isolated, how much he loves his group of friends. He looks down at his two badges, one gold and one bronze, he still stayed ahead on his schoolwork, but sometimes he feels like he shouldn't be staying up late at night to get it done.
Maybe he was changing, in a positive or negative way he didn't know, but he was definitely showing signs of a new Dan.

Another thing for Dan to think about was his band concert that his band director had just told them about a week before. It felt like he has everything to worry about these days, from a main play part that was originally for a woman, to his not practiced for band concert, that he didn't know when it was, to Halloween.

That's right, Halloween was going to come up at some point in time and Shane had made a plan to have a party on their hall. Felix tried to shut it down instantly, but nothing gets past Shane's begging. James was already making plans on decorations on how everything was going to be, they could only invite trusted friends also.

Kingston's Academy fact: students aren't allowed to have parties on their hall unless it's a school wide event.

They had to keep it discrete, they knew that there had to be no loud music and it had to be late at night when the chefs were clear of the kitchens. Everyone was so excited for the party but sadly they couldn't go around talking about it. It was also a costume party. James had bought his outfit already which was a sexy devil, sometimes he wore it around the living room just so he could show it off.

"Dan what are you doing sitting on the floor?" Phil had walked by and noticed that his knees were to his chest as he stared blankly at the floor in the hall.

Dan looks up a him and he blinks, when had he'd gotten on the floor? Phil holds his hand out to him.

"You look drained, are you okay?"

Dan grabs onto his hand and when he was pulled up he notices that Phil holds on a little longer before letting go, he also notices that Phil was in a white v neck, no trace of his leather jacket.

He must've already knew what Dan was thinking because he just shrugs. "It was getting crazy hot in here with all the heat going on and stuff, so I just decided to take it off."

Dan smiles, "I can finally see your arms for once without it being in a incredibly weird situation."

Phil laughs himself at Dan's slight insult, or compliment, he didn't know which,but he can tell how tired his voice sounds, those dark circles were staring to re appear under his eyes, for some reason he knew it wasn't from lack of sleep though.

"Hey, let's go into your room." Phil says casually as he starts walking in that direction.

Dan didn't feel like arguing, Phil was a friend so of course he could come in. They walk in and Phil shuts the door as Dan collapses unto his bed.

"You okay?" He asks as he walks over to him and sits down on the bed.

"Just a little stressed." Dan answers from the bedsheets, "I think I have a slight headache to."

"Oh." Phil felt awkward, he didn't know what to do in these situations. He sticks out his hand and pats his back with unrythmatic movements , "it will be okay."

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