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Dan's blazer was flapping behind him in the wind as he races down to the half way finished theater to see who all made it in for tryouts.

He knew he made it because only the first thirty could get in but still he was anxious. He throws open the doors and mutters 'excuse mes' to the workers that were carrying long piles of wood to the stage.

There were already several people their that were hunched over the clipboard, even Chris was here early to.

Dan longed to push the chattering people out of his way as he politely taps on their shoulders and asks them to move. It doesn't take this long to look for your name!

When Dan finally got to the front Chris' eyes were alight. "Look Dan! I made the 16th spot! He shoves the clipboard towards him.

"That's wonderful Chris." Dan says half heartedly as he searches for his name, it wasn't at the top anymore, maybe they chose different people.

"Let's see who else got here." Chris looks on with Dan as their eyes scan the different names.

"Wow Felix is here and so is Melissa, but not Shane and Mark, guess they got lucky." He laughs.

"Yeah." Dan chuckles, he hands the clipboard back to him, "take this before we get trampled."

"Wait give that back!" Dan yells, snatching the board back from him.

"What is it?" Chris asks frantically as Dan's eyes pop out wide.

"No.." He whispers.

Under the word Alternate, there were three names:

Hannah Lee
Frankie Fields
Phillip Lester

Then the clipboard is snatched upwards from Dan's hands.

"Hell yea I made alternate!" The deep voice happily yelled.

"No." Dan repeats again. Why did Phil always have to barge into his life?


Dan tried so helplessly to avoid Phil in the upcoming days, he wanted to center himself before tryouts but it wasn't helping when Phil kept throwing paper balls at the back of his head during first period.

"Dan." Throw. "Hey Dan." Throw. "Guess what?" Throw.

Dan gritted his teeth and tried to focus on the complicated math equation in front of him. When was Phil ever going to stop bothering him.

He kept looking at his half finished sheet but he could tell the whole class was glancing at him as Phil continued to throw paper balls at his head.

"Hey DAN!" He whisper yells and throws another one.

"Mr Geoffrey Phil won't stop throwing things at me!" Dan yells finally.

"Nobody likes a snitch!" Phil replies from the back.

Dan whips around, glaring at him, "Well I don't like you pelting paper at me!"

To make things worse Phil throws one right in his face then pecks his lips at Dan.

Dan stand up angrily but the professor comes over with a calming but rigid voice. "Okay settle down, Dan return back to your seat, Phillip-"

"It's Phil."

"Whatever, your dismissed from class, you may walk, or hop to the principals office."

Phil sighs dramatically and gets up. His leg was now in a Velcro brace. Grabbing his crutches, he makes his way up to the front. Dan watches as he turns his head back to look at him.

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