Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

I spun my lock on my locker twice before entering my combination once again. I've been in school for five minutes already and have been trying for three of those minutes to try and get my locker open.

Okay, 18- 5- 39.

I yanked on the lock and it opened. I sighed of relief and swung my locker door open, pulled out my Maths book, my literature book and my notebook I needed for Maths. I slammed my locker shut and walked down the corridor of the main building towards Maths class.

I thought back to Friday once I got back from Louis' house, after Singing4life24 had logged off, my mum cooked dinner and we ate in a silence with her stabbing each piece of steak that she cut up especially hard but I didn't say anything. I then had done my homework, and finished just in time for Rose to call me and talk about what has been going on back in Cardiff.

One Saturday and Sunday, we met at Louis' house for about two hours each day, and we still havenn't decided on which assignment we will be doing, or what poem we will be using. The study sessions usually consisted on Lauren trying to get into Louis' pants, which he didn't mind, but since Ava and I were still there, he declined- for now.

I looked up just in time to bump into something - or someone hard. I closed my eyes on impact, but then opened them when two arms encircled my waist, only to be staring at a chest covered in a light green V-neck t-shirt. I looked up and was greeted by a blue pool of amusement in his eyes, plus his signature smirk plastered on his lips.

"You can let go of me now Louis." I said, then rolled my eyes once he didn't let go, but he tightened his arms around be which made me squirm.

"Stop squirming love," Louis responded, and I could hear the smile in his voice.

Ignoring his comment, I kept squirming trying to get out of the death grip that he had on me, which made him smirk even wider and students passing us in the hallway to either glare or give me envious looks.

"You know, most girls would love to be in your position right now." Louis told me, and I groaned at the fact that girls actually would love to be in his arms like I was now.

I twisted myself out of his hold and took a step back from him, "Funny, because I'm not 'most girls'."

I watched his smirk falter for a few seconds before he recovered and leaned up against the nearest locker, crossing his arms over his chest and shook his head slightly, his black beanie moving slightly on top of his brown hair.

"You're right, your better." Then he flashed me that charming smile that made girls swoon over him. But me? I found it repulsive, well .. okay maybe not completely but I'm not that naive to fall for it like the girls who have an IQ of two.

"Good to know Tomlinson, now if you'd excuse me, I have maths to attend." I said, side stepping around him but he just matched my steps blocking my way.

I grunted, "What now?"

"I'll walk you there."

I raised an eyebrow at him, and he smiled at my confused gesture.

"We have Maths together, remember?"

My shoulders sagged as I realized that I had maths with him, and making it even worse I sat next to him. I gave him a blank look when he wrapped an arm around my shoulders and walked with me to maths. If I didn't want to kill him right then, I wanted to shoot myself so I didn't have to be walked to class by him, and we both know there was no getting around that.

"Hands off," I demanded when we reached the maths door.

He backed up, putting his hands up in defense and I glared at him, grabbing the handle to the door and yanking it open with as much force as I could muster. To my suprise, there weren't many kids in the class yet and the teacher wasn't even in the class yet.

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