Chapter Twenty

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She nodded and smiled enthusastically, "Yes dear, I got a

boyfriend. He is quite the charmer." She gushed as she checked the pot roast.

"Whats his name?"


"How old is he?"

She gave me a look that said 'I'm-not-telling-you-so-don't-ask-that-again' and I dropped the twenty questions game that I was starting to play with her. I opened my mouth to ask her something but was interupted by the doorbell chiming, notifying that someone was at the door.

"That's probably Chet," My mum said to me and started to run out of the kitchen, "I need to go change! Can you get the door Tori? Thanks."

I gulped and walked out of the kitchen and towards the door. I placed my hand and wrapped it around the doorknob before slowly pulling open the door, Biscuit barking wildly at my feet.

Here goes nothing, I thought as I pulled the door open to reveal ...

Chapter Twenty

.... a guy - around my age - with chocolate brown hair that was damp from the light rainfall outside. He was dressed in a pair of jeans that were low-slung, a dark blue plaid t-shirt and a pair of white converse. He looked up at me and smiled, before stuffing his hands into his jean pockets.

"Um," I started to say but was distracted by the car behind him with the hood open and smoke trailing from it.

He turned around and chuckled slightly, "Oh that. That is my car," He explained, and then he turned to face me, "It kind of broke down infront of your house and I don't have my cell phone and I was wondering if I could -"

"Victoria, is that Chet?" My mum asked, emerging from the spiral staircase, her hands were busy trying to put in a silver hoop earring.

I opened the front door a little wider to show my mum that it was indeed not Chet. She gave the boy a sympathetic look before rushing to my side and started to throw questions at him. The guy looked a little confused and rather uncomfortable before my mum finally asked him what had happened.

"Well, my car broke down .." He said and then pointed towards the old beat up Chevy that shouldn't even be classified as a car.

My mum nodded understandidly, "I see hun - why don't you phone you parents from our house phone?" My mum asked him and the guy smiled gratefully and thanked her.

"I didn't quite catch your name sweetie," My mum pulled out the pot roast and set it on the counter, while the boy picked up our house phone and started to punch some numbers in.

"My names Liam," He said and then paused before saying, "Liam .. Payne."


Chet showed up about quater after six. He arrived in a gray bussiness suit, holding his briefcase and apologizing that he was late. I had to admit, my mum knew how to pick her men. Chet didn't look a day over thirty. He had chesnut hair that was about as long as Louis' maybe a little bit shorter, with dark brown eyes to go with his hair.

Meanwhile, Liam sat in our living room quietly waiting for a response back from his dad.

"Sweetie, can you pass the mashed potatos?" My mum asked me kindly, making sure not to get any food on her red dress a she leaned over to the table to grasp the mashed potatoes I was passing to her. She mumbled a thanks and scooped some onto her plate.

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