Chapter 47

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Here we were. All of us in King's Landing. 

It was amazing to Tara that they all were now heading straight into the dragon pit. Theon and her would sit directly across from Cersei and Euron. They'd be able to look each other all right in the eye. 

It filled Tara with a sense of dread. There had to be so many ways today could go. Most of the ones that came to her mind were not happy endings. 

Tara walked alongside Theon. Little did she know, Theon was stewing in his brain. Yara was somewhere in this city, he thought. He just had to find some way to look at his Uncle and find out where. It seemed too impossible. He knew he would have to probably leave Yara again. He doubted that he would see her today, even though he wished he wasn't right. 

"Why did they build it?" Missandei asked Jorah. 

"Dragons don't understand the difference between what is theirs and what isn't." He started.

"Land, livestock, children... Letting them roam free around a city was a problem."

"I imagine it was a sad joke at the end."Tyrion added, "An entire arena, for a few sickly creatures smaller than dogs. But in the beginning, when it was home to Balerion the Dread, it must have been the most dangerous place in the world."

As Tyrion finished his sentence, the King's guard came into view. 

"Maybe it still is." Davos remarked. 

The two groups came to a halt in the middle of the diverging paths. 

"Welcome my lords." It was Bronn who broke the silence. "Your friends arrived before you did."

He gestured over to Lady Brienne and Podrick. It was odd for Tara to see them again. It felt like forever ago. 

"I've been sent to escort you all to the meeting." Bronn concluded. With a wave of his hand, the Kings guard separated leading them all down the path.  

The Dothraki walked down first before everyone else followed behind. The Hound led up the back with the crate, the reason any of them were there. 

The whole group continued down the path. It would only be another minute now. 

Tara walked closer to Theon. Everyone around them was talking to each other, so she knew now would be an ok time to ask. 

"How are you feeling?"

Theon took a minute to think. "I have no idea."

Tara nodded. "Me too."

It was another moment as they walked side by side. "I just wish we didn't have to see him."

"I know exactly how you feel." Theon responded. 

That's when they finally reached the dragon's pit. 

The broken walls of the coliseum towered above them. Tara just tried to imagine what it used to look like before. Even now when it was falling apart, it gave her a feeling of being small and powerless. 

The Lannister banners hung on the crumbling rock. In the center of the coliseum were where they had set up the meeting. Red banners hung over the chairs, another sign of the Lannisters. 

Tara and Theon stayed close together as everyone took their places near the chairs. No one sat, however, not yet. 

Tara could feel even more uneasiness in the bottom of her stomach. Tara brought her thoughts onto herself. She hoped that this meeting wouldn't go wrong. The last thing she wanted was for anyone to die. However, she did have faith in Tyrion. That was what was keeping her going at the moment. 

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