Why Does He Care?

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Lia showered and pulled her hair into a messy bun. She walked out and set the towel in the wash room.
She put her old clothes in a bag and walked into the kitchen.
Jimin stood up. "Ready to go?"
She nodded and they walked outside.
She looked around the outside. "I hope my mother isn't down here."
He sighed. "We'll cross that bridge if it comes."
She nodded and they walked.
Her phone rang. She looked at it. Her mother.
Jimin looked at the phone. "Answer Lia. She cares. She called your phone all night."
Lia looked at the phone. Her eyes tested up. "I can't." Her voice cracked.
"Lia she's your mother. She can help. Whether you think she can or not."
Lia took a shaky breath. The ringing ended.
Jimin and Lia turned around. Lana covered her mouth. Lia felt the tears fall. "Mom."
Jimin gently pushed her forward. "Go talk to her."
Lia looked at her mother.
Lana walked closer. "I- I was so worried! Where the hell have you been!"
Lia wiped a tear and looked down.
She felt long warm arms wrap around her. "Lia go talk to her. I'll be a phone call away."
She looked up at Jimin. "You're leaving?"
"I will be at my apartment. You know where it is. Okay? I'll be there."
She nodded. He walked away slowly leaving Lana and Lia alone.
    Lana looked at her. "I need an explanation."
  Lia looked at her. "You should have seen the signs. But you're never home! Why did you end adopt me if you were never going to be home?!" Lia snapped.
  Lana looked at her. "Don't you dare say that to me! I am your mother! I love you more than I love anything in the world. I would give up anything for you. Why can't you understand that?!" Lana snapped.
Lia shook her head. "Give yo acting then! Can you do that?!"
Lana shook her head. "No. Because I don't have to. I have no physical need to."
Lia threw her hands up. "That's what I mean! You don't care! That's why I didn't come back!"
Lana looked at Lia. "I'm not that bad guy."
"Are you staying it's me?! I'm not the bad guy!"
"You decided to stop eating! Who's fault was that?! You could have ate. You could have chosen that?! But no! You didn't!" Lana snapped.
Lia took a step back. "I knew that's how you would have felt."
Lana shook her head. "Yes I'm mad. I'm mad because I wasn't there. I'm mad that you decided that you weren't good enough! How can I not be?" Lana snapped.
Lia took a shaky breath. "I'm not good enough. I have Lana Parrilla for a mother. I'll never be that good. And you'll never understand that." Lia said softly. She threw her phone at Lana and ran downward the sidewalk. Lana ran after her. Lia slipped into an alley and watched Lana fall behind.
Lia sat down and cried. She sobbed until she had no tears left to cry. The night had fallen. She closed her eyes. Maybe it would be better if she stayed out. Someone could kill her. That would be the best option in her opinion.
No one would care if she died. All she did was create problems. She laid on the ground and stared at the sky. She felt a drop of rain fall down on her. She closed her eyes and felt the rain grow heavier. Maybe if she laid here the water would rise and she would drown.

The night grew forward. Lia sat up soaked to the bone. She sighed and stood up. she may not be able to go home. But she had a place to go. She walked down the long sidewalks of New York and stopped at the apartment. She walked up to his apartment door and knocked.
She knew it was late hit hopefully he around answer.
She waited for a few seconds. The door opened.
Jimin rubbed the sleep it if his eyes. "Lia?"
She looked down. "It didn't go as planned."
He nodded and led her inside. "No couch tonight. You may sleep in the guest room."
"There's a guest room? How big is this apartment?"
He shrugged. "I like to be comfy. I'll get you come clothes. They'll be big. Come I'll show you the room."
He led her to the room. She sat on the bed and he came back with a T-shirt and some sweats. "I'll talk more with you in the morning. Okay?"
She watched him walk out. Why was he so nice? He actually seemed to care.

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