Stop Doing This

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Lia walked down the sidewalk. She had finished her first day back at school. She was still very weak but the fevers and the coughing fits had ceased and her breathing was getting better. They never really figured out what was wrong with her. The doctors all say she faked it. Lia tried to ignore their comments.
She had lost an extreme amount of weight during her sickness spell. Normally she would be fine with it but since she was trying to perform she knew that losing weight was not going to let her be strong enough to perform.
Lia walked slowly.
"Is that Lia Parrilla!" A person screamed.
Lia sighed and turned to face the person. She smiled lightly. "That would be me."
The person ran over. "Can you sign my shirt?" He asked.
    She nodded. "Do you have a sharpie or should I get one?" She asked.
    He grabbed one from his backpack pocket. "You still seem weak. I don't want you doing too much. I heard about your illness. For the record I don't think you're pretending."
    She smiled and sighed his shirt. "Do you need a picture?"
    He pulled his phone out. "Please?"
   She poses and he snapped the picture. He kissed her cheek causing her to blush. That was the picture he took.
     She pulled away gently. "Have a good day." She said and walked away.
     She coughed softly. Her cough wasn't as bad as it used to be. She was flustered from the ordeal that had just happened.
     Lia walked to her house.
   Alex was standing by the door. "You let a boy kissed you?"
    Lia blushed. "He literally just took that picture."
   "It's all over the media. You let him kiss you? Look I know we're not talking but come on Lia." Alex said.
    "I didn't expect him to kiss me." She said.
  Alex crossed her arms. "Lia how much do you hate me? I just don't understand."
    Lia sighed. "I don't hate you. I just don't like that fact that you don't think I should perform. I'm sorry I quit speaking to you. I just- I'm angry okay?"
    Alex walked over to her. "I don't like to perform. I don't like you performing. I'm sorry you don't like that."
   Lia walked up to her door. "Just leave Alex. I need time to think. Goodbye."
    Lia left Alex outside and walked inside.
  She sat on her couch and started on her homework. She had to catch up.
    There was a knock on the door and she jumped at a clap of thunder. "Come in!" She said.
    Alex walked in soaked. "I'm not leaving until you and I can talk."
     Lia stood up too fast and stumbled. Alex moved to catch her. Lia steadied herself. "Go get some fresh clothes." She said.
    Lia sighed and walked to Lia's room.
   Lia shut the door and cried out as thunder clapped loudly. She has always been scared of a thunder storm.
    Alex walked downstairs in one of Lia's old t shirts and old leggings.
    Thunder clapped again and Lia grabbed a blanket and dove under it.
    She heard Alex laugh softly and pull the blanket off of her head. "Lia?"
     "I'm scared." She said softly.
   "Really? I couldn't tell." She said with a smile.
   Lia sat on the couch. "Sue me. I hate storms."
      Alex sat next to her. "I know that."
Lia leaned back. "I love you dork. Just because I'm upset doesn't mean I don't like you."
Alex nodded. "I know."
Thunder clapped and the lights went out.
Lia shrieked and dove under the blanket.
The door opened. Lana walked in shaking her umbrella off. "I'll run to the basement to check the breaker." She said and walked out of the room.
Lia pulled the blanket down. She began to couch. Harder then she had been.
Alex frowned and touched her shoulder gently. "You okay?"
Lia finished coughing. "Not even close."
Lana walked back in. The lights flipped on again. "Lia have you been coughing like that all day?" Lana asked.
Lia shrugged. "Not really."
Lana sighed and walked to the chair and sat down. "You let a fan kiss you?"
Lia threw her hands up. "He kissed me! He just wanted a picture. It's not a big deal." She said.
Lana shook her head. "It is a big deal. Lia stop being so nice to them."
Lia stood up. "They deserve kindness! You of all people should understand that." She walked to the door. "I need a break." She said and ran outside.
"Lia you're going to get sick more! Come back here!" Lana shouted after her.
Alex ran to the door. She sighed and closed her eyes. "Lia you have to stop doing this." She whispered.

Lia stood under a roof in downtown. It was pouring rain.
"Are you just going to stand in the rain?" A girl asked.
Lia looked over. "Who are you?"
The girl smiled. "I'm Clara. I know who you are." She said.
"I need a break from my family." She said. "What about you?"
Carla shrugged. "I work in the shop. You wanna come in? Hey you could sing! My dad would pay you." She said.
Lia shrugged. "I don't think I'm strong enough to perform." She said.
"You don't have to put on a show. All you shaving to do is sing in-front of the people."
"Okay. I suppose that sounds fun." She said and followed the girl inside.

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