Human Being's Like You

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"I think I'm okay. Are we okay? I don't know Alex. Are we?" Lia asked.
    Alex looked at Lia. "I hope so." She whispered.
    Lia grabbed Alex's hand tightly. "We're okay." She said softly.
     There was a soft tap on the door.
Lana walked in and handed Lia some clothes. "Bex is here. She brought you some clothes. And she brought your phone and music." She said handing Lia her phone with earbuds. "Lia you didn't tell me how much you enjoy Michael Jackson's music."
Lia sat up and pulled her clothes into her lap. "You're never home for me to tell you." She said simply. "Alex can you help me to the bathroom?" She asked.
Alex nodded and helped Lia to the bathroom. Lia shut the door and changed slowly. She took a deep breath and looked at her arms. The cuts trailed up and down her arms. Some deeper than others. They weren't angry scars. They were thin silver lines. Some began to fade. She noticed the sleeves were about a quarter length and stopped a little bit below her elbow. She took a deep breath and walked out of the bathroom.
She saw Lana's eyes immediately go to her arms. "Oh Lia-"
"It's okay mum. I've stopped a little bit ago." She said softly.
Alex pulled her arms up and looked at them. "They're fading. Lia? I'm proud of you." She said gently trailing her fingers over her scars.
Lana looked down brushing tears out of her eyes.
"Mum can we go home?" She said softly.
Lana nodded and they walked out the door.
They were met by paparazzi.
Lia winced as the light hit her face.
"Lia! Is it true your chances of performing are over?"
"Mrs. Parrilla are you dying?"
"Lana are you disappointed in your daughter?"
Lia felt a small body crash into her.
"Oh!" She said loudly and looked at the body holding her tightly. It was a small child. A young girl. "Your my idol!" She said with a big grin.
Lia smiled down at her. "What's your name kiddo?"
"I'm Gracelyn!" She said loudly. "Can you Sign my shirt? I have a sharpie."
Lia nodded and signed her shirt. "You want a picture?" She asked gently.
The girl nodded and pulled the Polaroid camera from around her neck and handed it to Alex. "Please?"
Alex snapped the picture and handed it and the camera to the girl.
The girl grinned and hugged Lia tightly. "Don't forget about me." She said to Lia.
Lia kissed her head gently and hugged her. "I won't." A guard pulled her off of Lia. The girl cried in pain.
Lia frowned and pulled the girl back towards her. "Don't hurt her! Gracelyn where is your mother?" She asked softly.
Gracelyn pointed to a lady deep in the crowd. Lia slid through the crowd and brought Gracelyn to her mother. She felt herself growing faint but Lana grabbed her arms and held her up by her shoulders and out her in the car.
"This is why I don't want you to perform anymore." Lana snapped. "I don't want them treating you like that."
"Them! Mum they're human beings too." Lia said looking out the window. "Just like you."

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