I Love You

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Lia pulled herself up from the tub and gasped. "Lia! Alex is calling! Should I leave a message?" Lana asked at the door.
     Lia started to drain the water and got out. She wrapped a towel around herself. "No. I'll call her later." She said.
    "Okay. I'm going to bed sweetie." Lana said.
   "Goodnight Mum." Lia said pulling her soaked hair into a bun on top of her head. She changed into her sleep clothes and opened the door.
    "I love you." Lana said.
   Lia hugged her. "I love you too. Goodnight mum." She said.
    "Goodnight." Lana said and walked to her room.
   Lia walked downstairs and threw her clothes into the wash room. She walked outside and sat on the swing on the porch. She took a deep breath and looked into the darkening sky. Her phone buzzed. Lia sighed. Bex texted.
Bex: What happened between you and Alex?
Lia: none of your business. She wasn't respecting my choices. That's all.
Bex: please talk to her. She's pretty upset about this. And I know you are too.
Lia: let her be upset. She'll get over it.
Lia set her phone down and looked at the sky again. it was cloudy and it looked like a storm was coming.
She waited to see the heavy drops start to fall. Lia stood up and walked into the yard, feeling the drops land on her. She closed her eyes.
"Lia? Please let me talk to you."
Lia opened her eyes and looked into the dark air. "Alex? What are you doing in the rain?" She asked.
"I should ask you the same thing." Alex said walking over.
"Does Bex know you're here?" Lia asked.
Lia shook her head. "I knew she wouldn't have let me come over. Lia please let me talk to you."
Lia crossed her arms. The rain drops fell down her cheeks. "You have five minutes."
Alex nodded. "Lia I want what's best for you. I want to help you get better. If acting helps then I won't interfere but I want a future with you."
Lia raised her eyebrow. "A future?"
"I want to live my life with you Lia. I've never wanted that before. Not until I met you." Alex said. Lia noticed her start to shiver. It had started to get cold. Lia grabbed her wrist and dragged her inside.
"Come on." She said softly and led her upstairs.
Lia shit her bedroom door behind them and threw clothes at Alex.
Alex thanked her and changed. She sat on the bed. "Say something."
Lia looked at her. She sighed and crossed her arms. "I love you. And I want a future. I just- I got upset. And I shouldn't have taken it out on you. I'm sorry."
Alex stood up and hugged Lia tightly. "It's okay. I love you too."
Lia held her close. "Come on. Let's get some sleep." She said softly and pulled Alex onto the bed.
Lia wrapped her thin arms around Alex's frame and held her tightly. She reached over, shut the lights off, and nuzzled her face close to Alex's. She held onto her as if there was no tomorrow. "Goodnight Alex."
Alex squeezed Lia tightly. "Goodnight Lia."

Lia woke up to a sharp rap on her door. She carefully untwined herself from Alex's sleeping self and stood up. She stretched and walked over to the door.
Lana stood in the doorway with her arms crossed. "Is alex in there with you?"
Lia's face went red. "She came over in the middle of the night. It was pouring so I let her stay over."
Lana nodded. "And that leads me to my next question assuming you knew she hadn't told Bex she was over here."
Lia looked at the doorframe. "Uh yes I knew Bex didn't know."
Lana tapped her fingers on her arm. "And you didn't call her?"
Lia took a deep breath. "It was late and that was the last thing on my mind. I spoke with Alex and we stopped fighting and we went to sleep. I didn't really think to call her."
Lana held up her hand. "Alright I've heard enough. I'll call Bex and tell her."
"Okay. I'm sorry Mum." She said softly.
"It's fine. Next time just let me know." Lana said.
"Okay." Lia said. She watched her mother walk away.
Lia turned and saw Alex. Fast asleep.
Lia walked over and sat on the bed. She brushed a strand of hair out of her face. "I love you Alex." She whispered.

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