A New Baby

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Lia finished singing and walked to the door of the shop. "Thank you. I think I'm going to head out now." She said to Clara.
"Don't you want paid?" She asked.
Lia shrugged. "I like to sing."
Clara handed her an envelope of money. "Don't be too nice. See you around." She said.
Lia walked outside. She was hit by pouring rain and wind hitting her. She stumbled and walked down the sidewalk.
The dark was setting in.
Lia walked back to her house.
She opened the door and was met by Fred. "Go up to your room. You will not be doing any more performing for a very long time. I'm sick of your rebellion." He snapped.
Lia growled softly and walked upstairs.
She slammed her door and laid on her bed.
She didn't even care she was soaked from the rain.
She set the envelope on her desk and realized she was shivering. The House was freezing.
She sat up and walked to her heater. It wasn't on. Nothing with heat seemed to be on.
Lia quickly changed into dry warm clothes and pulled a blanket around her body.
The heat must have gone out.
Lia laid on her bed and fell asleep quickly.
She woke up with a pounding headache. She didn't feel cold anymore. She was in fact burning.
Lia pushed her blanket off and walked to her bathroom. She was pale and her hair was still wet and clung to her clammy face. Lia took some of her medication. She was about to walk out of the room when she was hit with a dizzy spell that left her on the hard ground.
She groaned and coughed hard. She pulled herself to her feet and walked slowly out of the bathroom.
Fred stood in the hall. "Go talk to your mother." He said in a stern voice.
She took a deep breath and walked to her mother's room. She walked around Fred and kicked on the door. Her hands were shaking violently. She only then noticed them.
"Come in." She heard Lana's calm voice say.
Lia walked in and shut the door behind her. "Hey." She said. Her scratchy voice had returned.
Lana looked up. "Lia! You're so pale." She walked over and placed her hand on her face. "Did you take anything?"
She nodded. "I'm fine Mum."
Lana brought Lia to the bed and sat down pulling Lia down next to her. "Am I a bad mother?" She asked Lia.
Lia shook her head quickly. "No! D-do I make you think that?"
Lana sighed. "I'm not sure what to think. You just keep running anytime there's a problem. I thought maybe it was me."
Lia shook her head. "No. It's my fault. I just- everyone is telling me that I shouldn't perform and I shouldn't do what I love to do. It frustrates me. And on top of that I'm sick and I don't even know what's wrong with me. Sure I was in the rain and that maybe be why I'm sick now but what was wrong with me before?"
Lana kissed her cheek. "Sweetie we'll find out what was wrong." She held her close. "I love you." She said gently.
Lia laid on her mother shoulder. "Mum am I disappointing?" She asked.
Lana shook her head and kissed her forehead. "No. I'm so proud of you." She said holding her close. "You're my baby. Forever."
Lia closed her eyes and took a shaky breath. "I love you."
Lana held her tightly in her arms. "I love you too."

Lia woke up still in her mother's arms. "Do you want to get up?" Lana asked softly.
Lia sat up. "I need to stretch." She said softly. She stood up.
Lana took a breath. "Lia can I tell you something?"
Lia looked at her. "What is it?"
"Lia your father and I have been speaking and there is an infant who needs a home and-"
"Go ahead Mum. You want to adopt her?" Lia asked.
Lana nodded. "Are you Okay with it?"
Lia shrugged. "I'm not against it."
Lana stood up and kissed her cheek. "Thank you."
Lia kissed her cheek back and walked to the door. "I'm going to shower." She said softly and walked to the bathroom. She shut the door and sighed. She didn't want a new baby in the house.

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