Something Bad

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Lia looked it the window. It's been two days since they've seen Lana. Bex has tried everything. That haven't seen her for filming either. Fred hasn't heard from her. He's been on a business trip for a few weeks, leaving Bex with the teenagers.
Alex walked up to Lia. "We'll find her."
Lia continued to look out the window. "How do you know?"
"It's Lana. If anything did happen to her she would be fighting like hell to get back to you." Alex said. "You know she would."
Lia nodded and turned to face Alex. "You're right."
    Bex walked into the room. "Hey. You girls should get so rest. School is tomorrow."
     Lia nodded. "My first day back after the incident."
  "I'll be there. It's my first time there anyways." Alex said. "I was homeschooled."
    Lia took Alex hand and led her upstairs to the guest room. "Goodnight." She said softly and kissed Alex's cheek.
     "Goodnight Lia. I'll see you in the morning." She said and kissed Lia back. She walked into her room.

Two weeks later.
Lia walked home from school. Alex was at a drama meeting. Lia didn't feel like going today. She didn't feel like performing. Not since Lana disappeared. Lia walked into the house and shut the door behind her.
"Just the girl I wanted to see." Bex said from the couch.
Lia frowned and dropped her bag. Her stomach growled softly. She had to be honest. She hasn't eaten in the past few days. She sat on the couch. "Yes?"
"Lia I've noticed you seem sad. And that's understandable. I just want you to know that I'm here. Okay? If you feel any urges or triggers. I'm here to talk. Okay?" Bex asked.
Lia nodded and stood up. "I know. Thank you." She said softly and walked upstairs.
She walked to the bathroom and locked the door behind her. Lia slipped open her drawer and pulled out her pack of razors for her to shave. She slipped one out and sat down. She took a deep breath and pulled her pants down threw them across the room and placed the blade on her thighs. She closed her eyes and drug the blade across her skin. She repeated that in smooth strokes.
Lia cut deep a few times and bit her lip as she opened her eyes. She watched the blood drip down her legs and drop onto the floor. She shakily moved her blade to her wrists and slowly cut small cuts into her wrists. She didn't cut deep. Not as deep as she did on her thighs. Her cuts hissed with pain. Lia watched the red blood drip onto the ground. She watched the sticky blood. Lia closed her eyes and drug the blade across deep into her wrist. She looked down and saw blood deep from the wound. She dropped the blade and stood up slowly. She walked to the shower and got in starting the hot water immediately. The water burned her cuts. Lia washed her arms and legs until the water ran from pink to clear. She slowly got out and wrapped her wounds up. Lia put her clothes back on and cleaned up the mess in the bathroom. Last she cleaned the blade and put it back in her box.
Lia walked to her room and laid on the bed. What had she done?
Lia laid there for a few minutes until a knock on the door was heard. "Lia? I'm home."Alex said.
"Come in." She said numbly.
The door opened. Alex walked in and sat on the bed. "You okay?" She asked.
Lia felt the tears prick her eyes and she shook her head. "No." She said softly. Her voice cracked.
Alex laid down beside her. "I'm here Lia."
Lia looked at Alex. "I did something bad." She whispered.
Alex sat up and looked at her girlfriend. "It can't be that bad."
Lia nodded. "It is." She slowly rolled her sleeves up to reveal the bandages.
Alex sucked in her breath. "It's going to be okay Lia."
Lia stood up and shut the door. "It's not just there. I cut my thighs. Bad Alex. I haven't cut in years."
Alex stood up and wrapped her arms around Lia. "We'll be okay." She said softly.

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