We Found Her

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Lia walked down the sidewalk. She had waited twenty minutes for Alex but she never showed so Lia was left walking home alone. Again. She walked down the sidewalk and sighed. Why was Alex lying to her like this?
Her thoughts were interrupted when her phone rang. She answered. "Hello?"
"Mrs. Parrilla? We found your mother."
She nearly dropped her phone. "Where is she?"
"She is being brought to your home now." He said.
She hung up and shoved her phone in her pocket and ran all the way to her home. She reached the house and ran inside breathing heavily.
Alex was asleep on the couch. From the look of the room, tissues lying around, the thermometer on the table, and the waste basin beside the couch Lia had figured out why she didn't walk with her this time. She walked over and knelt beside the couch. "Sweetie?" She asked softly.
Alex stirred. "What?" She asked softly.
"They found my mum." She said softly pushing Alex hair out of her face gently and kissing her temple. She was burning up. "Have you take anything?"
Alex shifted to face Lia. "They found her?"
Lia nodded. "Lovely you're burning up. Have you taken anything?"
She shook her head. "I fell asleep before I could."
Lia stood up. "I'll get you-"
The door opened. Lana walked in. She was thin, almost too thin. Her hair was messy and she had a kind of terrified look in her eyes. She looked at Lia and the fear disappeared. "Lia!"
Lia smiled. "Mum!" She ran and hugged her mother tightly.
Lana held her daughter close kissing her cheek. "I've missed you so much." She said softly.
Lia looked at her mother. "What happened to you Mum?"
Lana took a sharp breath. "I'll explain later. I'm just glad to be back." She saw Alex on the couch. "Hey sweetie." She said softly.
Alex moved to a sitting position making her instantly pale but she forced a smile on. "Hello."
Lana's face instantly grew concern. "You're sick."
"I'm okay." She said softly.
"I was about to get her something. She's burning up." Lia said softly.
Lana walked over and pressed her cool hands onto Alex forehead. "Oh dear. what is your temperature?"
"102. I'm fine really." She said in a raspy voice.
Lia watched her mother. She had been gone knows where and had to have something bad happen to her. And yet here she was instantly going back to her mother routine.

Bex ran into the house a few minutes later. She saw Lana sitting on the couch next to Alex and Lia.
Tears ran down her cheeks. "Oh Lana."
Lana stood up. "Bex. I've missed you."
Bex hugged her close. "You don't even know how much I've missed you Lana."

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