Go Rest

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Lia woke up on the unfamiliar bed. She sighed and sat up. Her stomach was killing her. And her skin was so warm. Her head was swimming. She groaned and forced herself to stand up. She walked into the main room.
   Jimin looked over. "Hey. Good morning."
  She shook her head and sat down. "Not even close."
He frowned. "You're so pale."
    She closed her eyes. "I should probably go. I don't want to get you sick."
   He walked over and she felt his cool hands on her forehead. "You're burning. Please let me call your mother. Let her help."
   She shook her head. "She won't help. I'll give her number though. Just in case something happens. Only use it if needed please." She whispered. She have him her mothers number and looked at him.
   He nodded and wrote the number down. She closed her eyes. "I can leave. If you would like."
  "I would like you to go back to bed." Jimin said.
  Lia groaned. "Okay." She stood up and stumbled. His strong arms picked her up.
    "I'll carry you. Do you want anything to drink? Eat?" He asked walking her to the room. He laid her in the bed.
   She shook her head. "I'm okay."
   He nodded. "I'll leave you to sleep then."

   Lia felt long slender fingers graze her forehead. She  opened her eyes. "Mom?"
    Jimin stood in the corner of the room. "You had a fever. It was 104. I panicked."
   Lana looked at her daughter. "How do you feel?"
  Lia sat up slowly. "Better." She said softly. "Mom I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that to you."
    Lana kissed her forehead. "I should have understood."
    Lia looked at Jimin.
He smiled. "I think you should be on your way home now Lia. You have my number." He said. "I'm going to back to my home next week but we can stay in touch Okay? If you need anything you know how to reach me."
   Lia nodded. Lana lifted her small daughter into her arms and thanked Jimin and walked to her car. She put Lia in and drive her home.
   Lia watched as they pulled up. "Oh god-"
   "Yep. Momma Parrilla's home." Lana said.
"Why is grandma home?" Lia asked with a sigh. She closed her eyes and unbuckled.
"You ran away. Everyone was worried." Lana said. "Come on let's eat inside. Who is the kid you ran away too?"
Lia opened the door and tried to stand. Her legs were weak. She hasn't eaten properly in a few weeks. And she was sick on top of that. "That kid is Jimin. He is a performer."
Lana nodded and got out. "I've heard of him." She said and walked over to Lia's side.
She wrapped her arm around Lia's waist and helped her into the house.
    Lia felt dizzy. She let Lana walk her into the house.
  Her grandmother jumped off of the couch. "Where did you find her?!"
    Lana ignored her and set Lia on the couch. "How did you meet this boy?" Lana asked.
   Lia groaned. "Does it matter?"
  "Yes. You ran away to his home. It matters." Lana snapped.
Lia felt a sharp pain in her stomach. She winced and opened her eyes. "He offered for me to stay with him after I ran away. He didn't want me to say our past dark. It was too dangerous."
"You should have come home!" Lana snapped.
Lia wrapped her arms aprons her stomach and sat up. "You don't understand anything about me. He did."
Lana shook her head. "I suffered from an eating disorder too Lia. There would be times here I went weeks without eating. How could I not understand?! I just didn't want you to become like me." Lana said softly.
Lana's mother put her hand on her daughters shoulder.
Lia stood up and stumbled. "I jus want to go to bed. I don't feel well."
Lana sighed. "I know. He told me."
Lia was caught with a dizzy spell and nearly fell to the ground.
Her mothers arms caught her and steadied her. "Fine go rest. We'll speak when you feel better." Lana said. She let Fred help her upstairs to her room.
Lia laid on her bed. She saw her phone on the bedside table. She reached over and grabbed it.
New text from Jimin:

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