Mr Kingston's Roommate|43

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Leila's POV
A promise to never break

The gravelled ground was rough underneath me, stones dug into my flesh, puncturing my skin to the point where I thought it would rip apart. I sat upright, groaning as the powerful stench of urine and garbage assaulted my nostrils. How could I have dozed off in such a revolting place? I really did hit rock bottom.

My mother did a number on me. 

Peering up at the sky, I could tell that it was beginning to get dark. I must have been here for at least thirty minutes or an hour. The best way to find out is through my phone if someone hadn't already mugged me after I passed out. On cue, I felt a soft vibration ring through my thigh. My ridiculously dried eyes flickered downwards as I retrieved the phone from my pocket. 

It was a notification for nothing important. But I didn't know where I was at the moment, and I didn't have the physical nor mental strength to get up from where I sat despite how sickening it was. My only option was to call the one person who would drop everything to come find me.

And the only person I was even remotely comfortable with seeing me in such a vulnerable state. 


My fingers hovered over his name in my contacts list and without hesitation, I pressed down onto it and brought the phone to my ears. From my peripheral view, I could see pedestrians strutting down the streets as they conversed with others, unbeknownst to the person sitting from prying eyes in a dirty alley. 

I could simply get up and find my way out of here with or without their help, but a part of me wanted to stay in this place and punish myself for allowing my mother to get inside my head, and the other part of me just wanted to go home, take a bath and sleep. "Leila? Where are you, I thought you said you were getting back like an hour ago. I tried calling you many times but you didn't pick up, are you okay?" 

I only realized now that there indeed were miss calls from Blake. Five to be exact.

"I don't know."

"W–what do you mean? Are you okay? Are you hurt?" D-did something happen? I'm coming to meet you, where are you."  He babbled uncontrollably and at the sound of his comforting voice, I didn't know whether to be relieved or burst into tears. How could I let that woman take away all the progress I've made over these past few months? 

"I'm not okay Blake," I whispered. My throat burnt, possibly from dehydration, something Blake no doubt caught onto in a matter of seconds. I could hear him shuffling on the other line, and a ring of 'shits' escaping his lips as the sound of items crashing to the floor enveloped my ears. "L-Leila, tell me where you are." 

"I-I just, I don't know. . .I ran west of the parking lot down the streets and- Blake I just I-I need you." His breath hitched and the still silence in the air forced the tears pricking at my eyes down my cheeks. I tried to hold them back, but it was futile. So much for progress. . .

"Don't worry. I'm coming for you baby."


Blake's POV

Darkness began to blanket the sky as I strutted down the streets. Leila's location according to my phone was just around the corner. I didn't know what she was doing there, but she sounded distraught. . .broken, she sounded like the Leila I knew months ago. 

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