5. Safe And Secure

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Madison's POV
He fell in the trap so damn easily. But I still wonder is he really this stupid or acting to be like one. Of course I can't take chances with him, he's a cunning wolf.

I quickly went to the bar, where I was going to execute my plan. It was already seven o'clock in the evening. I had to go early to make all the arrangements. My teammates were on a conference call with me, because I can't execute this plan alone.

I soon reached the club and now I'm waiting for the scape goat to come.

Ethan you're so done today!


Ethan's POV
I got ready in my three piece armani suit.

Woah man you look hot!

Thanks buddy! Well being a rich brat I've always wore the most expensive clothing and accessories. Being the youngest child I've been pampered and loved the a lot.

Apart from me, I have an elder brother, Theodore Brown. He's my best friend. I was always bullied at school because I was a very shy and an introvert kid. I never had any friends. But in my high school, when they got to know that I'm the son of Brandon Brown, the owner of the leading buisness cooperation in California, everyone started getting closer to me.

Gold diggers!

Thus, I've been trained to be a heartless and mean person. Because of my experiences with people who just wanted to have the fun of their lives with my money, I'm able to live a successful life.

I really believe in the saying "one out of two people, who lie is the successful one!" thus for me being a cunning person is a key a to success.

Well leaving it all aside, I got ready and now I'm ready to go. Still a huge part of me conflicts with my decision to attend that party tonight. It's like I know something wrong would happen but I'm still going. Why?

I don't know. I can't even say that it's because Madison has asked me to come, because she's the last person I'd probably date or be friends with. But still, something about her makes me want to believe that she's a nice person and that we can be good friends, at least.

At least.

I quickly started my car and drove off to my destination. Soon I reached the club. It was packed with blaring music, lights and drunk people. It was mostly dark so only the colourful lights and the crowd could be heard and seen.

My eyes searched for Madison and soon I found her. She was walking really fast to the exit door. I followed her, I wanted to give her a surprise. I was about to poke her when I saw her with my ex Sharlene.

What the hell is she doing here?!

Soon I got on track and was now slowly trying to understand the situation. Her talking to me nicely, calling me to the club. Its a trap!.

But what is she planning to do with Me!

Suddenly in the mist of all this I realized that I was a little upset. I was sad because I trusted this girl and even she back stabbed me. I shouldn't feel sad, as all the things I've to done to her and her friend are not loving it forgivable. Yet, I feel sad. Why?

I honestly don't know.

Well, to hear their conversation more clearly I hid behind the pillar. I soon heard her talking.

"Girls, he must be here anytime. You guys know, what you have to do?"

They all nodded.

I beacame even more suspicious.

I told you E! Something is wrong!

But what are they planning! Are they planning to murder me?

Oh! shut up Ethan. What the hell are you even thinking?!

Oh come on! I have to think all sorts of possibilities. I went closer and I heard them talking about some video shoot and seducing. I got to know the whole thing easily.

They're planning to expose me! What should I do? Should I run away?

E! What you wanted, is finally happening and you're ruining it!

Yeah i wanted to break up with Lush but this is not the correct way! She'll misunderstand me and think I'm a jerk.

But trust me this is the easiest escape.

But I cannot leave Madison just like that. I need to take revenge on her! Even if I wanted this breakup and she indirectly is doing it for me, I still can't let her do anything she pleases. I wanted to do this, my own way, but all she's trying to do is spoil my image in front of Lush!

It's okay E! You can take revenge on her some other day! But right now let her do whatever she's doing.

Though I didn't like the idea, but it's true, this is the easiest escape. It's better than hurting Lush. She can hate me, but at least she won't be sad because of me.

So everything went as she planned. Her friends made me drink and soon I was not in my control.

I don't remember much but all I remember is that her friend was sitting on my lap and her arms were around my neck.

Maybe they were clicking your pictures at that time.

Maybe! But, Now it's over.


Madison's POV
As planned he was drunk and Rachel was on his lap. I took pictures of them kissing, hugging etc.

I had enough proof against him. This pictures are more than required. I'll show them to Lush and she'll easily believe me that he's a womanizer.

For more assurance I took his phone and switched his sim card with the other so that even if Lush tries to call him she won't be able to talk to him.

Also Lush is going back to her hometown in Canada so no chance of him meeting her as well.

She's all safe and secure.

She's not a bank account bruh! But yeah, she's safe Now. I'm happy that finally I saved her.

Although I felt bad, because even if Ethan is a womanizer, this time he did not do anything. It was me who took advantage of the fact that he trusted me enough to come to this party and I broke it. But I had no choice.

I couldn't let my friend fall into trouble. When we were at the bar I saw that Ethan already passed out. It was not at all safe to leave him there.

So I called his bodyguard and told him that I don't know Ethan, but seeing him alone I got worried and called the last person who was on the dialing logs, even though the last person he talked to, on the phone was me. I lied, but for him.

Why are you taking care of him?!

No I'm not! It's just that no matter how much I hate him but I cannot leave him like this. I don't care about him but, being a good human I had to help him.


Well, just as I thought, Lush believed me very easily. She felt bad and cried. I've never seen her cry this badly.

Don't know what kind of a magic he played on her.

Yeah! But she was crying. I did not feel good. Have I done wrong? Should I tell her the truth.

No! Don't even think about doing that! You worked so hard for this plan and Now you're gonna tell her. No! You'll not! And too you haven't done anything wrong so don't blame yourself.

I sighed. I don't know if I've done correct or not, but this is best I could do to save my friend.

So this was it for this chapter. Hope you enjoyed.

See you in the next week.

Till then, bye bye my sweeties!

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