19. Cottage

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Madison's POV
We soon landed at our destination, Beilstein. It was almost morning as we were flying in the night.

It's a very beautiful city. The areas were are not very crowded. Climate is also really good.

It's an ideal place to settle in your old age. You know.

Why the hell am I thinking like I'm in my late 60s or 70s?!

Well, its old architectural style is something that's the most attractive about the place. Ethan told me that the meeting is in his hotel, about the resort that will be under Mr. Theodore.

But he said that he'll stay in his cottage.

Theodore Brown, Ethan's elder brother, came to fetch us.

I looked at him and he was just like another version of Ethan. Only difference was in their eye and hair colour.

Otherwise they looked like twins but one could makeout that Theodore is older.

Handsome and dashing brothers.

"Brother!" Theodore said spreading his arms and hugging Ethan tightly.

"I missed you" Ethan said.

"Missed you too" Theodore said smiling.

I saw this side of Ethan today. And its different, but I love it.

Breaking their hug, Ethan introduced me and Theredore.

"Theo, this is my Personal assistant, Madison Smith" he said.

"Hello sir, nice to meet you" I said bowing my head a little.

"Nice to meet you too Madison" he said smiling.

Oh! He's so sweet and handsome!

"I came here to take you guys to your hotel" he said.

"No, I want to stay at my cottage. If Madison wants to stay in the hotel, she can" Ethan said with a straight face.

What's with that shitty attitude!?

"Why don't you both stay in the cottage!" Theodore said.

"NO!" Ethan and I shouted at the same time.

Then we both looked at each other with a little embarrassment.

I won't be able to control myself if I stay with him! I've already had a very horrible experience staying with him at my place.

I can't trust myself on this part.

"what about your cottage?" Ethan asked Theodore.

"You have different cottages?" I asked.

"Yeah! Our cottages are adjacent to one another" Ethan said.

I nodded.

Rich people!

"But the problem is that, both the cottages have only one room each. And I'm staying in one of them" Theodore said.

"If you guys can adjust, it's Okay. Otherwise I can book a room in the hotel" he said.

Now, it was my decision. I wasn't really able to choose. It's not like I want stay in the hotel alone but living in a cottage, with Ethan is worst.

So, I decided, I'll stay in the hotel. But when I was about to say that, something unexpected happened.

"I'll stay in the hotel" Ethan said.

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