25. Party pt.2

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Ethan's POV
We soon reached the destination. Not making much eye contact with Madison, I parked the car and asked her to move out.

We entered in the hotel and everyone was looking at Madison. Of course she looked stunning. Who wouldn't look.

But I felt like killing every man who's eyes landed on Madison. My Madison.

"Can't you walk a little faster" I said in irritation.

"What's with that face. Can't you see me wearing heels. I can't run!" she said looking at me.

"I'm not asking you to.." I said looking at her.

But when my eyes landed on this mesmerising woman, my words lost their way and didn't come out. I was adorned by her beauty.

Why is she so pretty?

Her eyes plastered on me, expecting for me to complete my answer but I couldn't. She bit her lips a little and her eye lashes moved with her blinking.

It looked as if everything was moving in slow motion. As if, only me and her are alive and present in the entire world. My world.

Her earrings occasionally touched her neck, swinging and enjoying the pleasure of staying so close to her.

Her watch, so beautifully placed on her wrist. On that smooth wrist, making me feel jealous of its closeness with Madison.

Her heels, who have the honour of helping her walk, who are having fun with the fact that they've spent more time with Madison than me.

I'm envious of all these things.

"you're not asking me to?" Madison said bringing me back to senses.

I shook my head and said in a low voice "Nothing. Let's go"

We entered the lift. We were the only passengers. I felt the heat. I felt how close I was standing to her. And of course I didn't move away.

Who would?! Definitely not me!

Soon the door opened, as we reached the floor. Why so early?! I thought it'd take a minute or so, but we reached in like ten seconds.

Technology needs to calm down a bit.

We came out and started walking towards the venue. As we entered, within a minute, a group of our business associates crowded around me.

And that basic business talk started.

"You can go have a drink, I'll catch up with you soon" I whispered to Madison.

She nodded and went towards the bar.


Madison's POV
He's been acting all weird. Sometimes he acts like he's a stone sculpture, all emotionless, but the next minute, he acts so caring like the sweetest person alive on the planet.

Oh Lord! I can't understand him.

"One red wine please" I said to the bartender.

"Sure ma'am" he said.

I looked around and saw how amazing the entire area was. It was a pool side party. Not a wild one though. But a very descent one.

The water looked so blue and beautiful in the pool. And looking at it, I started getting a sudden urge to swim.

But I can't. I'd ruin my dress and moreover everyone would think I'm crazy. Imagine it, it'll be so weird!

I was looking at it with a dissapointed face, when a voice interrupted my thoughts.

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