Bonus Chapter One

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Early Update

Author's POV
The wedding was memorable. Of course if the groom is like Ethan then some scene was undoubtedly expected. But no matter how weird or restless they get, they love each other's company. They very well know that before keeping up with their love they have to maintain their friendship.

Both of them care, love and feel protective towards each other. It's a relationship based on mutual respect and they try to give the best of themselves to each other.

Today they've arranged a little family get together inviting their guests who weren't able to attend their wedding. Of course the party's main focus was our newly married couple.

"Hello, Andrew" Ethan said grabbing a man's attention who was Mr. Brown's business associate's son, also a friend of Ethan.

"Oh, Ethan! Congratulations on your wedding man" Andrew said shaking hands with Ethan.

"Thank you. And uh, Andrew this is my ex girlfriend, Madison" he said and suddenly Andrew's eyes widened and he laughed.

"I'm sorry Andrew, he's been teasing me since morning. I'm his wife" Madison said getting irritated, hitting Ethan's arm.

"Oh it's alright. By the way nice to meet you, Mrs. Brown" Andrew said with a smile.

"Nice to meet you too" she said smiling back.

They met their other guests and Ethan kept introducing Madison as his ex girlfriend. He never leaves a chance to tease her. It was only after a few minutes or so that Madison got extremely irritated almost losing her mind.

"You're a dick!" She said hitting Ethan's arm as they now were alone.

"Oh, ma'am a little correction, I'm not a dick, I have a dick" Ethan said with a teasing smile.

"No, you're a dick as well" Madison said rolling her eyes, taking a sip from her drink.

"Well hold on, if I'm a dick-" Ethan said thinking, trying to imagine what Madison said.

"What?!" Madison turned towards him with her eyebrows furrowed, giving a disgusted look.

"If I'm a dick, I'd look like a huge sausage type thing with clothes on. Right?" He said as if he made a great discovery and was proud enough about it.

"What the hell! You're actually imagining it! What kind of a person are you Ethan?!" Madison said as she was truly irritated by her husband.

But Ethan didn't stop teasing her and continued saying with a teasing chuckle "Imagine me walking around, Madison" 

"Shut up Ethan! Stop!" Madison said going away from him.

Ethan followed her outside laughing and kept teasing her the entire day.


Soon their guests left and now as decided by Theodore, it was 'family dessert time'. So everyone gathered in the living area. Madison was sitting in one corner a little away from Ethan as she was still mad at him.

Theodore sensed the tension and decided to ask them about it.

"What happened my babies?" He said raising his eyebrows as he could make out Madison was angry.

"I hate your brother!" Madison said pointing towards Ethan.

"Oh dear, I hate him too" Theodore said nodding.

But when he saw Ethan's expressions changing to upset ones he chuckled.

"Okay, but what happened?" Ethan's mom, London, asked.

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