28. Let's Comfort Each Other

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Ethan's POV
My heart was shattered into a million pieces. I felt like a truck just hit me. But why the hell did that truck left me alive?! I wished it would've killed me.

She left me without even turning back once. I thought that finally, maybe I've got her but it didn't mean anything to her.

I wasn't angry on her, I was upset on myself for thinking a minor kiss to be something much more.

I thought that she too started to have feelings for me the way I do, but she said that this is how adults comfort each other?!

How can she say that!?

It felt like she was making fun of my feelings. But trust me I'm not mad at her. I can't blame her, because she's unaware of my feelings.

But she's a sensible woman, can't she see how much I care for her?!

I regret dragging her away from that party. I regret bringing her to that room. These raging hormones are the main reason why this whole thing happened.

I should've tried to control myself.

I wanted to cry really bad. Wanted to let out all these weird feelings that were creating a fuss in my head. But before I could do that, an important thought came in my head.

That kiss felt so real.

I still don't know whether she really meant what she said or she said that because she wanted to get away from me. She's not a one time thing girl.

I might not know everything about her but I know her enough.

The kiss we shared didn't feel like just a fling. It felt so real. It felt as if through that kiss she wanted to tell me not to leave. As if she was trying to never let go of me. But she said that it meant nothing to her!

Then there's only one way to find out.

I have to seduce her with all my might! If she really feels the way I do then she won't push me away.


I was ready. I got up early in the morning and cancelled everything. I wanted to remain free today so that I can stay with Madison the entire day.

After getting ready I called Madison but, she didn't pick up.

I again tried and again she didn't pick up my call. I got irritated. But if I fight with her she won't do as I say. So I have to be sweet.

Not too sweet though.

I texted her, 'Get ready, I'm coming to pick you up'

Then I sat in the car and drove off to the cottage. I kept checking if she has seen my message or not. The entire drive was smooth and silent.

It was just me and my thoughts. Just when I was about to reach I got a message from her.

'But where are we
Going?! I'm not even

I smiled at her message but didn't reply her, as I was almost there. In the next few minutes I reached the destination. Parking my car I went in to see what she's doing.

I entered in and saw her sitting on the bed, she was selecting something to wear. Though the outfit she had on was way too sexy or you can say Madison looked sexy in it.

She was wearing a pair of shorts with an over sized T-shirt. Her hair were open, lazily hanging all over her shoulders and face. Though they were all messed up, but she looked very cute.

She was so immersed in choosing an outfit that she didn't even realize I was standing there.

It's not like she's not safe here because the security is present.

I without making her notice me, went near her and pulled her up from behind. She got extremely scared and screamed.


I was back hugging her but made her turn around, not leaving her from my hold. She looked at me with horrified eyes, but was relieved about the fact that it was me.

"Oh man! You scared me!" she said hitting my shoulders lightly.

I smiled tightening my grip on her waist. She realized my activity and started pushing me off, but I didn't move. She looked at me and I just smiled at her.

"Good prank. You successfully scared me. Now leave" she said.

I didn't respond but just kept looking at her. She tried to push me off but my grip was much stronger than hers. She looked at me giving me an irritated look and tried getting out of my hold, but failed.

"Why aren't you leaving me?!" she asked getting angry.

"Don't you remember what you said last night?" I asked.

She got confused and said "About what?"

"About comforting each other" I said.

She looked at me with shocked eyes. But she looked away soon, as if trying to hide away her true emotion.

"So, why not we keep comforting each other, because I enjoyed what we did last night" I continued and looked at her smirking.

She got a little embarrassed as she remembered what happened last night. She quickly again started attempting to get out of my hold but I didn't let her.

Then I left her waist and held her wrists. She got extremely shocked and angry.

"What are you doing Ethan?! Leave me" she said irritated.

I, of course, didn't obey her, but I pushed her against the wall, lifting her hands above her head. She took heavy breaths and was looking at me with fear.

I then without thinking much, smashed my lips on hers. I sucked on her lower lip, taking the taste of her lips. Soon I entered in her mouth, going deeper.

She made me go crazy. I kissed her aggressively, and to my surprise she responded really quickly.

She kissed me back.

Her eyes were closed and she too enjoyed the kiss. I pulled her closer by her waist, using my freed hands. Our bodies were begging for each other.

The aura around her is like alcohol. The moment I come close to her, I lose control and the only thing I feel is her close proximity.

I soon slid my hand under her T-shirt, coming in contact with her bare skin. It was so smooth and soft. I got closer to her.

I soon left her hands, using both of my hands to hug her waist more tightly. She held my face and pulled me towards her. It felt so good to be needed and wanted by a desired person.

The best feeling in the world is when your feelings are reciprocated the way you want it to.

I picked her up and made her sit on the table beside her. She then leaving my lips, made her way to my neck. She kissed my soft spot and it involuntarily made me moan.

A moan of immense pleasure.

She opened the first buttons of my shirt and kept kissing me there. Then she again met my lips. We kept on kissing and sucking on each others lips.

The feeling was just too amazing.

I kissed her jawline and then slowly going down on her neck, placed a few hickeys everywhere. She threw her head back giving me full access to her neck, as if she didn't want me to stop.

But our pleasure came to a dramatic end, when suddenly her phone started ringing.

Hola angels! Well this chapter was sexy. I'll try to make the upcoming ones sexier.

Well, this was it for this chapter.

Stay tuned for more fun coming ahead.

Till then stay safe and healthy.

See you next week angels.

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