13. change?

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Ethan's POV
Don't know when I reached home but now my head was freaking paining. I massaging my head went out of the room in an attempt to reduce my headache a bit.

I went downstairs and saw Madison in the kitchen cooking something. She in her sexy nightdress was looking too alluring.

I really don't know why but as soon as I see her, my brain becomes the director of all the dirtiest imaginations I could ever think of.

Like even now I imagined her putting on the counter and I sucking on her skin. That'll be the most amazing activity to do in the morning.

She looked up getting distracted by my presence. She smiled. I too smiled back going towards her.

"goodmorning" I said.

"goodmorning" she replied.

"so I hope I did not break the promise?" I said.

"what promise?" she asked.

"I promised to bring you back home safely. Remember?" I said.

"oh yeah! Good job. To be honest I wasn't expecting you to drive so nicely even after getting so drunk! Like I really thought I'd die. Maybe!" she said chuckling.

"I wouldn't let that happen. Ever" I said.

She looked up and gave a confused expression Making me realize what I actually said. I cleared my throat and continued.

"umm I mean. I promised you. So of course I couldn't break it. Right?" I said.

She nodded smiling.

Oh my my her smile is actually doing something to me!

To get out of the situation I said "umm I think I'll leave now"

"but I made breakfast for you. Aren't you gonna have it" she said.

"no Madison. I mean I'd love to but I'm getting very late already" I said.

"no! You'll have your breakfast only then you'll go! Now come on go and freshen up!" she said pushing me upstairs.

I smiled and went upstairs to the room. But wait! Hold on! Madison is happy! That too with me?! She wants me to have breakfast with her?!

Oh no no no! Am I dreaming?! Madison Smith is acting different. I can digest anything but not Madison being nice to me?!?!?!?

I hurriedly entered the bathroom to splash water on my face in order to wake me up from this stupid dream.

1st splash.
I'm still in her bathroom!

2nd splash.
Still in her bathroom!!

3rd splash
In her bathroom!!! Still.

I pinched myself and then groaned in pain "aaoohh!"

This means I'm not dreaming. This is reality. It's too good to be in real life. I was already occupied with the trauma when another one hit me.

I saw a mark on my neck. And not just any mark, it was a hickey. A big red - blue mark that's left due to sucking.

I'm afraid Madison raped me last night. She took advantage of my drunk condition. Oh my god!

This is not good. This can't be happening. I cannot get raped and be pregnant!!

Ethan shut up! You're a man! How can you be pregnant!?

Oh yes! Yes. I'm a man. I can't get pregnant. But I can make her pregnant *evil smirk*

But, Madison took advantage of me. That's something true. So why not I do the same. Just the thought of going close to her, brought a smirk on my face.

I freshen up and went down. Madison was serving the food. She saw me and again a smile appeared on her face. I too smiled back, more of a smirk.

"Come on! Food is ready" she said cheerfully.

I came down and went to dining table. She smiled at me and signalled me to sit down.

But I didn't.

"I'll sit but you have to answer me first!" I said.

"what? Answer?" she asked confused.

"don't act you don't know! You know what I'm talking about" I said with a smirk.

"I seriously have no ideas what you're talking about?" she said.

I lifted my head up a bit, pointing at the so called love bite which was gifted to me by madison.

I could see her and her changinh expression. First into shocked then 'oh shit I got caught!' ones.

I loved it! Honestly. As I always say. Her reaction is priceless! I wanted to laugh so badly but I maintained a straight face.

"so, what's the meaning of this?!" I said referring to The hickey.

She was juggling with her fingers unable to figure what to say.

"I didn't do it" she said.

"what do you mean you didn't do it! Of course you did it! You're the only person who was with me last night" I said.

"uh uh! Correction! You were at the party last night! Maybe some girl have kissed you over there" she said.

Woah, she's smart!

"oh trust me Madison! Even if I'm drunk or whatever! If I have the capability of driving my car safely back to the house then lemme assure you I was in my senses" I said.

After taking a deep breath she finally admitted.

"okay! Fine. I kissed you" she said.

I smiled on my victory.

"so now tell me why you did it? I asked.

No answer.

"come on Madi! Why did you kiss me?" I asked again with a louder tone.

"I don't know!" she said looking down.

"what do you mean you don't know?! That's not an answer" I said.

"can we stop talking about it! Please" she said.

"Ohho! You kissing me completely fine! And if I even look at you then I become a pervert in your eyes" I said.

"so now what should I call you?! A pervert-tess" I said.

That's not even a word.

I was waiting for another back answer to come but I heard something unexpected.

I heard her laughing.

I looked at her and narrowed my eyes.

Is she okay or am I thinking too much?!?! MADISON SMITH LAUGHING?! THAT TOO WITH ME!

"let's leave it Ethan! I'm honestly really sorry. Yesterday, I did something I shouldn't have done. I hope you can forgive me. So now will you sit and eat?" she said going to her place and sitting to eat.

I wanted to fight but I was left shook. I was out of words. Don't know if she's starting to at least not hate me. But I really like this Madison.

I hope this change will last forever.

I smiled and went to the table to eat

That was it for this chapter.
See you
Bye bye
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