14. like or hate?

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Madison's POV
Not gonna lie but I'm really starting to like his company a lot.

Like a lot!

He's so fun to hangout with. I feel our bond is getting stronger and stronger. And I've no plan to break it.

He's just too much at times like I'll tell you one incident. It happened like a week ago.

So we were in this restaurant and it was me who was giving a treat because I lost on a bet to Ethan.

Just when I was about to pay I saw I forgot my credit card at home and I didn't have enough of cash.

"are you kidding me?! You said you're gonna give a treat that's why I haven't got my wallet!" Ethan said angrily.

"I'm sorry! Just think what are we gonna do now?!" I said.

Just then I saw a group of waiters singing the 'congratulations' song for a couple. So an idea struck my mind.

"hey hey do you see that waiter coming!" I said pointing at the waiter.

"yeah so what are you gonna do? A strip dance so that we don't pay our bill?" he said with an 'I'm done' face.

"can't you think of anything more stupid! Oh Sorry I forgot everything you say is stupid!" I said turning my face away.

"then what else are you gonna do! A lap dance as well!" he asked with his eyes wide open.

"oh Shut up you fool! What I'm trying to say is that look at that couple! They have that special scheme for a couple who just came into relationship! So what I'm thinking is" I said but he stopped me.

"oh no no! I'm not becoming your fake boyfriend again! I've already tolerated you a lot!" he said shaking his head.

"oh come on Ethan! It's just once more!" I said pleading.

"no! And no means no!" he said.

"oh come on Ethan! Please" I said.

He looked at me with narrow eyes and then stared at me for a few seconds as if calculating something in his head.

"Okay! But on one condition" he said with a smirk playing on his lips.

I knew it was something horrible! I could feel it.

"you'll strip dance for me! Not here. don't worry! But once we reach home" he said with that horrible smirk not leaving his face.

"nope! No way! I'm not doing it!" I said.

"fine then I'm also not doing it!" he said.

"oh come on its just a dance. And you don't even have to strip your clothes!" he said.

"then why is it called strip dance?!" I said narrowing my eyes.

"well, umm, because, uh because it's a sexy dance!" he said thoughtfully.

"Okay let's change the word then. You'll do a sexy dance for me!" he said.

"deal!" he said taking out his hand for shaking.

I looked at him for a minute and the shook hands with him.

"deal!" I said.

He smiled.

No matter how much of a peice of Shit he is but he is definitely way too charming. I sometimes, Now feel, why Lush fell for him so easily.

It's because of his freaking featured body!

Yeah it really is. His body is just Ohh lala!

Well! after that he proposed to me just when the waiter came and then we got free deserts and 50% off on our bill.

I was very happy.

When they were all singing I totally forgot that I'm not dating this jerk. Hanging out with him makes me feel as if we're in a relationship.

And yes we are in a relationship.

Relationship between two best friends.

But still this stupid heart of mine makes me feel as if we're more than that. More than just having fun together. More than just laughing and cursing each other. More than just being friends.

But these memories that I'm creating right now are priceless and I'll never forget them.

All my life I've always been tagged as the 'fun' Person. But Ethan Is even more fun, savage and amazing than I am.

Well coming back to reality right now I'm in my car driving to the office where I'm really enjoying to go these days.

Yup! It's because of him.

Soon I reached the office and quickly went to his cabin. But as I entered I saw something that I could never imagine in my entire life.

I saw Ethan on the sofa with a girl over him. His arms around him and he was just sitting as if enjoying the entire thing.

Suddenly I felt tears in my eyes.

Tears! Why? Why the hell am I crying?!

I had no answer to this question. I wanted to move out as quickly as possible without even disturbing him!

But as I turned my phone started ringing. And he noticed me standing.

He quickly got up and saw me crying. His neck was filled up with hickeys with the buttons of his shirt half open.

"no! Madison it's not what it looks like!" he said while standing up.

But I could not take it so I just rushed out and just ran in the elevator. I saw him coming but the door closed, leaving him outside.

Outside of the elevator and outiside of my life. My tears weren't stopping but I decided to stop his entrance ln my house and in my life.

I don't wanna see him again.

Oh no no! Just when good Times came something bad happened!

So do you think the Womanizer Ethan Brown is back and what madison is doing is correct?!


Is there something else outside those elevators that could stop this bond from breaking.

Wanna know?

Then continue reading.

Sorry my angels! this time I took way too long. But I'll try to update sooner.

Till then. Bye bye!

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