8. changing my feelings?

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Ethan's POV
It's been really tiring and exhausting both to work at the office. Dont know how dad managed it all so damn well.
Really hats off to him!

My attention was grabbed by a sudden knock on the door and I said "come in"
And Madison came in.

She looked really sexy today. She was wearing a navy blue mini skirt and a coat with a white tie shirt. The whole attire fitted her body perfectly. Her curves were so defined which made it difficult for me to remove my eyes from her body.

I was awaken from my wild imagination when she cleared her throat.

"is there any work for me?" she said bluntly rolling her eyes.

I smiled and got up from my chair. I went closer to her, near the edge of my table and sat over there.

"you'll never learn atticates. Right? Well lemme teach you" I said

Then I pulled her close to me and made her open her arms from the cross position. She was reluctant but I forcefully made her stand straight with her left hand holding the right wrist.

"that's the way you'll stand in front of me. And too whenever you'll come in the morning, First you'll say 'Good morning sir' and second never roll your eyes at me. Cause if you do then" I paused chuckling.

She was boiling in anger. I came closer to her and whispered in her ear "I'll make sure to punish you"

She gave me a death glare and stamping her heels went out to the office. Trust me it's really amazing to tease her. Her reactions are always priceless.

Whole day went really boring. As usual I did not see Madison much but was only busy with my work. My table was just filled with files, contracts, etc etc which I had to sign and see. Really it was so messed and filled up that I was unable to even keep my coffee on it.
I'll die if it doesn't get over soon.

Luckily my work finished soon and on time. It was almost 7:00 pm and its time for me to go home. I left my office soon after and went downstairs to the parking. I unlocked my car and something irritating happened.


Shit!!! I'll fire Kevin! He has only one job to do and that it take care of my car! Bloody useless creature. There is always another car in my garage but today even it is not there.
Wow! Incredible!

I opened my phone to call and see the height of badluck, even my phone was dead. What the actual Shit!?!???!

How am I supposed to reach home now?! Everyone has left already. What to do?! And it's raining so badly that no cab will come!

Just when I was thinking I heard a car coming.
Oh god is with me!

I quickly ran and waved infront of the car. It stopped. I went to the window and as it went down it revealed someone unexpected!


She furrowed his eyebrows and said "what happened? Aren't you gonna go home tonight?"

"umm I really want to there's no fuel in my car " I said with a baby face.

Her right brow shot up and I continued "well can you please help me? Give me a lift. I need it really badly"

"even my fuel was over I'm using my emergency fuel tank, and it can only reach Till my place cause it's near" she said

"it's okay. I can stay over at your place" I said but she cut me off

"no no no no! I won't let you stay with me. Just go and help yourself" she said
"please Madison, I really need you to help me. I could've taken a cab also but it's raining so badly so the cab won't come" I said Making my baby face

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